- tessellatum
tessellātum, ī n.плиточный пол Veg
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
TESSELLATUM (OPUS) — TESSELLATUM OPUS Expression désignant l’assemblage de petits cubes (tesselles) de pierres uniformes, en vue de constituer une mosaïque. Si les cubes sont de dimensions et de matériaux variables, l’opus (appareil) est dit vermiculatum (vermiculé) … Encyclopédie Universelle
Prosternon tessellatum — Seidenhaariger Schnellkäfer Sidenhaariger Schnellkäfer (Prosternon tessellatum) Systematik Überklasse: Sechsfüßer … Deutsch Wikipedia
opus tessellatum — ▪ mosaic mosaic technique that involves the use of tesserae (tessera) (small cubes of stone, marble, glass, ceramic, or other hard material) of uniform size applied to a ground to form pictures and ornamental designs. Opus tessellatum was… … Universalium
Monostiolum tessellatum — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca Class … Wikipedia
Opus tessellatum — mosaic (3rd century); the refers to the mainly vertical rows in the main background behind the animal, where tiles are not also aligned to form horizontal rows. Opus tessellatum refers to a type of mosaic made from tesserae. Opus tessellatum is… … Wikipedia
Anobium tessellatum — Deathwatch Death watch (?; 224), n. 1. (Zo[ o]l.) (a) A small beetle ({Anobium tessellatum} and other allied species). By forcibly striking its head against woodwork it makes a ticking sound, which is a call of the sexes to each other, but has… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
opus tessellatum — ò·pus tes·sel·là·tum loc.s.m.inv., lat. TS arte tipo di mosaico per pavimenti, ottenuto con cubi di marmo e pietra, spec. quadrangolari e di piccole dimensioni {{line}} {{/line}} ETIMO: lat. opus tessellatum propr. lavoro fatto a mosaico … Dizionario italiano
Opus tessellatum — Opus tesselatum L’opus tesselatum (du latin tessella, cube, dé à jouer) est la forme courante de mosaïque antique. Le dessin en noir et blanc ou en couleur est réalisé par la disposition de pierres approximativement cubiques (tesselles), de… … Wikipédia en Français
Seidenhaariger Schnellkäfer — Sidenhaariger Schnellkäfer (Prosternon tessellatum) Systematik Überklasse: Sechsfüßer (Hexapoda) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Arte en España — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Las Meninas de Diego Velázquez, en el Museo del Prado, Madrid. Este cuadro es uno de los más representativos del arte español junto a la representación de El tres de mayo de 1808 de Goya y a otras obras de Velázquez … Wikipedia Español
opus vermiculatum — ▪ mosaic type of mosaic work frequently used in Hellenistic (Hellenistic Age) and Roman times, in which part or all of a figural mosaic is made up of small, closely set tesserae (cubes of stone, ceramic, glass, or other hard material) that… … Universalium