- tentus
I a, um part. pf. к
1) tendo и2) teneoII tentus, ūs m. [ teneo ]задержка, остановка (fluoris CA)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
tancer — [ tɑ̃se ] v. tr. <conjug. : 3> • tencier 1080; lat. pop. °tentiare, de tentus, p. p. de tendere « tendre; combattre » ♦ Littér. Réprimander. ⇒ admonester, morigéner. « Sa colère fut grande et il tança vertement son fils » (Mérimée). ●… … Encyclopédie Universelle
List of characters in Elfquest — This is a list of characters in Elfquest , the science fiction/fantasy comic book series created in 1978 by Wendy and Richard Pini. The initial list is derived from the original series, which Warp Graphics published in 1978 1984. Later series… … Wikipedia
tente — [ tɑ̃t ] n. f. • 1150; du lat. tenta (ou °tendita), fém. de tentus (ou °tenditus), p. p. de tendere 1 ♦ Abri provisoire et transportable fait d une matière souple tendue sur des supports rigides. ⇒vx pavillon. Mâts, piquets, arceaux, toile de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
ten-1, tend- — ten 1, tend English meaning: to extend, stretch, span Deutsche Übersetzung: “dehnen, ziehen, spannen”, also von the Weberei, Spinnen, Strick etc. Grammatical information: ten bildet in IE an not thematic root aorist (ved. átan,… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
tent — I. noun Etymology: Middle English tente, from Anglo French, from Latin tenta, feminine of tentus, past participle of tendere to stretch more at thin Date: 14th century 1. a collapsible shelter of fabric (as nylon or canvas) stretched and… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Spanish conjugation — This is a paradigm of Spanish verbs, that is, a set of conjugation tables, for the model regular verbs and for some of the most common irregular verbs (see the article on Spanish irregular verbs for common patterns of irregularity that may help… … Wikipedia
List of Amaurobiidae species — This page lists all described species of the spider family Amaurobiidae as of June 12, 2008.Alloclubionoides Alloclubionoides Paik, 1992 * Alloclubionoides amurensis (Ovtchinnikov, 1999) Russia * Alloclubionoides bifidus (Paik, 1976) Korea *… … Wikipedia
Agapitus von Praeneste — war ein Heiliger und Märtyrer im 3. Jahrhundert. Er ist der Patron der kranken Kinder und Schwangeren und Helfer bei Bauchschmerzen. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Überlieferung 1.1 Martyrologium Hieronianum und Martyrologium Romanum 1.2 Passio Sancti … Deutsch Wikipedia
contention — contentional, adj. /keuhn ten sheuhn/, n. 1. a struggling together in opposition; strife. 2. a striving in rivalry; competition; contest. 3. strife in debate; dispute; controversy. 4. a point contended for or affirmed in controversy. [1350 1400;… … Universalium
tent — tent1 tentless, adj. tentlike, adj. /tent/, n. 1. a portable shelter of skins, canvas, plastic, or the like, supported by one or more poles or a frame and often secured by ropes fastened to pegs in the ground. 2. something that resembles a tent.… … Universalium
tenter — /ten teuhr/, n. 1. a framework on which cloth in the process of manufacture is stretched so it may set or dry evenly. 2. Obs. a tenterhook. v.t. 3. to stretch (cloth) on a tenter or tenters. v.i. 4. to be capable of being tentered. [1300 50; ME… … Universalium