taxatio ecclesiastica — /taekseysh(iy)ow akliyziysstaka/ The value of ecclesiastical benefices made through every diocese in England, on occasion of Pope Innocent IV granting to King Henry III the tenth of all spirituals for three years. This taxation was first made by… … Black's law dictionary
taxatio — (лат.) таксация, оценка … Словарь ботанических терминов
taxatio — /taekseysh(iy)ow/ In Roman law, taxation or assessment of damages; the assessment, by the judge, of the amount of damages to be awarded to a plaintiff, and particularly in the way of reducing the amount claimed or sworn to by the latter … Black's law dictionary
taxatio — (Civil law.) An order made by the judge reducing the amount of damages claimed by the plaintiff in an action … Ballentine's law dictionary
taxatio expensarum — /taekseysh(iy)ow ekspenseram/ In old English practice, taxation of costs … Black's law dictionary
taxatio norwicensis — /taekseysh(iy)ow norwachensss / nohrachensas/ A valuation of ecclesiastical benefices made through every diocese in England, by Walter, bishop of Norwich, delegated by the pope to this office in 38 Hen. III … Black's law dictionary
taxatio expensarum — The taxation of costs … Ballentine's law dictionary
unica taxatio — /yuwnska tsekseysh(iy)ow/ The obsolete language of a special award of venire, where, of several defendants, one pleads, and one lets judgment go by default, whereby the jury, who are to try and assess damages on the issue, are also to assess… … Black's law dictionary
Pope Nicholas IV — Nicholas IV Papacy began February 22, 1288 Papacy ended April 4, 1292 Predecessor Honorius IV Successor … Wikipedia
ТАКСАЦИЯ — (лат. taxatio; этим. см. такса). Определение таксы, оценка земель и лесов по стоимости деревьев, вычисление убыли и прибыли леса и проч. Словарь иностранных слов, вошедших в состав русского языка. Чудинов А.Н., 1910. ТАКСАЦИЯ в широком смысле… … Словарь иностранных слов русского языка
taxation — [ taksasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • taussacion 1283; lat. taxatio ♦ Le fait de taxer (I); son résultat. 1 ♦ Fixation par voie administrative, réglementaire, du prix maximum (parfois minimum) applicable à certains biens, certains services. Taxation de denrées… … Encyclopédie Universelle