- Talaus
ī m.Талай, один из Аргонавтов, отец Адраста, Эвридики и Эрифилы O
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Taläus — (Talon), Andomar, scholastischer Philosoph des 16. Jahrh., gehörte zu den Ramisten, lehrte in Paris u. st. 1562. Seine Reden herausgegeben Marb. 1599 … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Talaus — Talaus … Wikipédia en Français
TALAUS — I. TALAUS Argivus, ex Argonautis unus, Flacc. Argon. l. 1. v. 358. et l. 3. v. 471. 480. Pater Adrasti. Memoratur Statio, l. 5. v. 406. Nunc magnum Oeniden, nunc ille hortatibus Idam Et Talaum, et cana ror antem aspergine ponti Tyndariden iter… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Talaus — In Greek mythology, Talaus was King of Argos and was one of the Argonauts. He was the son of Bias and Pero). His wife is Lysimache, daughter of Abas. He was father of Adrastus, Astynome, Eriphyle, Mecisteus, Mythidice, and Pronax. Barthall,… … Wikipedia
talaus — tal|aus (seltener), tal|aus|wärts <Adv.>: aus dem Tal hinaus: t. tut sich die weite Ebene auf. * * * tal|aus <Adv.>: aus dem Tal hinaus: t. tut sich die weite Ebene auf … Universal-Lexikon
talaus — tal|aus … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung
ТАЛАЙ — • Talăus, Ταλαός, один из аргонавтов, сын Бианта и Перо из Аргоса, брат Арея, супруг Лисимахи, отец Адраста, Парфенопея, Пронакта, Мекистея, Аристомаха и Эрифилы. Его могилу показывали в Аргосе. Paus. 2, 6, 6. 21, 2 … Реальный словарь классических древностей
List of Thomisidae species — See also the List of Thomisidae genera, which is sorted by subfamilies. This page lists all described species of the spider family Thomisidae as of June 18, 2008.Acentroscelus Acentroscelus Simon, 1886 * Acentroscelus albipes Simon, 1886 Brazil * … Wikipedia
Adrastus — This article is about Adrastus, son of Talaus, king of Argos. For others with this name, see Adrastus (disambiguation). Adrastus (Greek Ἄδραστος; also Adrestus from Ionic Greek: Ἄδρηστος), inactive ,dubious|date=October 2008 was a legendary king… … Wikipedia
List of spiders of India — This is a list of the spiders found in India and is based on Siliwal, Molur and Biswas (2005). [Siliwal, Manju, S. Molur and B.K. Biswas (2005) Indian spiders (Arachnida: Araneae): updated checklist 2005. ZOOS PRINT JOURNAL 20(10): 1999 2049… … Wikipedia
Ramus [2] — Ramus, Peter (eigentlich Pierre de la Ramée), geb. 1515 zu Cuth in Vermandois, studirte im Collegium von Navarra in Paris, wo er anfangs als Bedienter angestellt war, bes. Philosophie; bei seiner Magisterpromotion 1536 bekämpfte er, in der [814]… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon