- Syriace
Syriacēпо-сирийски (loqui Vlg)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Guy Lefèvre de la Boderie — (b. near Falaise, Calvados in Normandy, 9 August, 1541; d. in 1598 in the house in which he was born) was a French Orientalist, Bible scholar and poet. At an early age he devoted himself to the study of Middle Eastern languages, particularly… … Wikipedia
ЕФРЕМ СИРИН — [сир. , греч. ᾿Εφραμ ὁ Σύρος] (ок. 306 373, Эдесса, ныне Шанлыурфа, Турция), прп. (пам. 28 янв.; католич. 9 июня; Сиро яковитской Церкви суббота 5 й седмицы поста, 28 янв., 19 февр.; в Маронитской 27 янв.; в Церкви Востока пятница 5 й седмицы по… … Православная энциклопедия
Paul de Lagarde — Paul Anton de Lagarde (2 November 1827 22 December 1891) was a German biblical scholar and orientalist. He also took some part in politics. He belonged to the Prussian Conservative party, and was a violent antisemite. The bitterness which he felt … Wikipedia
Lagarde — (spr. gárd ), Paul Anton de (bis 1854 Bötticher), hervorragender Orientalist, geb. 2. Nov. 1827 in Berlin, gest. 22. Dez. 1891 in Göttingen, studierte seit 1844 in Berlin Theologie und orientalische Sprachen, habilitierte sich 1851 in Halle,… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
First Council of Nicaea — Date 325 AD Accepted by Anglicans Assyrian Church of the East Calvinists Eastern Orthodox Lutherans Old Catholics Oriental Orthodox Roman Catholics Previous council None Next coun … Wikipedia
Giuseppe Luigi Assemani — (1710 on Mount Lebanon Tripoli – February 9, 1782 in Rome) was a Lebanese orientalist and a Professor of Oriental languages at Rome.Assemani came from a well known family of Lebanese Maronites that included several notable Orientalists. His… … Wikipedia
Jacob of Edessa — (or James of Edessa) (Syriac: ܝܥܩܘܒ ܐܘܪܗܝܐ) (c. 640 – 5 June 708) was one of the most distinguished of Syriac writers. Contents 1 Life 2 Doctrinal allegiance 3 Writings … Wikipedia
Patrologia Orientalis — The Patrologia Orientalis is an attempt to create a comprehensive collection of the writings by eastern Church Fathers in Syriac, Armenian and Arabic, Coptic, Ge ez, Georgian, and Slavonic. It is designed to complement the comprehensive,… … Wikipedia
Ian Theodor Beelen — (b. at Amsterdam, 12 January1807; d. at Leuven, 31 March 1884) was a Dutch exegete and orientalist.After a course of studies at Rome, crowned by the Doctorate of Theology, he was in 1836 appointed Professor of Sacred Scripture and Oriental… … Wikipedia
Гильдемейстер Иоганн — (Johann Gildemeister) немецкий ориенталист (1812 1890), профессор Боннского университета. Главные его труды: Der heilige Rock zu Trier (Дюссельдорф, 1845; в сотрудничестве с Зибелем); издания Meghadûta и Çringaratilaka Калидасы (1841) и обработка … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона
Ефрем Сирин — один из великих учителей церкви IV в. Родился в Низибии, в первых годах IV в.; скончался, вероятно, в начале V в. По сказанию его сирского жизнеописания, Е. был сын языческого жреца, который за обращение его ко Христу изгнал его из родительского… … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона