- syngraphus
ī m. (греч.)1) договор, контракт Pl2) проходное свидетельство, пропуск Pl
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
scedule — Scedule, Il vient de Schedula, voyez Cedule. Scedule et obligation soit d argent receu ou non receu, Syngrapha, Syngraphus, Syngraphum, Perscriptio. Bailler sa scedule, Cauere chirographo, B. Une cause appelée par placet, ou par scedule hors le… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
syngraph — /siijgraef/ The name given by the canonists to deeds or other written instruments of which both parts were written on the same piece of parchment, with some word or letters of the alphabet written between them, through which the parchment was cut … Black's law dictionary
syngraph — ˈsinˌgraf, iŋˌg , rȧf noun Etymology: Latin syngraphus, from Greek syngraphos something written down, decree, contract, from syngraphein to write down, draw up a contract, from syn + graphein to write more at carve : a written statement or… … Useful english dictionary