- sycophantia
- ae f. [ sycophanta ] (тж. pl.)интриги, мошенничество, обман Pl
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Sycophantia — Taxobox name = PAGENAME fossil range = Late Arenigcite journal last = Sepkoski| first = Jack| authorlink =| coauthors =| title = A compendium of fossil marine animal genera (Trilobita entry)| journal = Bulletins of American Paleontology| volume … Wikipedia
Sycophancy — Syc o*phan*cy, n. [Cf. L. sycophantia deceit, Gr. ? false accusation.] The character or characteristic of a sycophant. Hence: [1913 Webster] (a) False accusation; calumniation; talebearing. [Obs.] Bp. Hall. [1913 Webster] (b) Obsequious flattery; … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cheiruridae — Temporal range: Ordovician–Devonian … Wikipedia
Список родов трилобитов — Asaphiscus wheeleri Список родов трилобитов. A Содержание: A … Википедия
sycophancy — /sik euh feuhn see, fan , suy keuh /, n. 1. self seeking or servile flattery. 2. the character or conduct of a sycophant. [1615 25; < L sycophantia trickery < Gk sykophantía dishonest prosecution, equiv. to sykophant (see SYCOPHANT) + ia Y3; see… … Universalium
sicofantia — si·co·fan·tì·a s.f. BU l attività del sicofante {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1592. ETIMO: dal lat. sycophantĭa(m), dal gr. sukophantía, v. anche sicofante … Dizionario italiano
sycophancy — 1620s, from L. sycophantia, from Gk. sykophantia, from sykophantes (see SYCOPHANT (Cf. sycophant)) … Etymology dictionary
menterie — Menterie, Mendacium, Vanitas, Sycophantia, Mentitio. Joyeuse menterie, Cauillatio. Petite menterie, Mendaciunculum. Les menteries d aujourd huy sont excessives, Nullus hodie mentiendi modus. C est menterie, Fabulae. Ce ne sont que menteries,… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
sycophancy — [sik′ə fən sē, sik′əfan΄sē] n. pl. sycophancies [L sycophantia < Gr sykophantia] the behavior or character, or an act, of a sycophant; servile flattery … English World dictionary