- sustentaculum
- sustentāculum, ī n. [ sustento ]опора, оплот (victoriae T); перен. (тж. sustentacula alimentorum Aug) питание (corporis Aug)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Sustentacŭlum — (lat.), so v.w. Tenakel … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
sustentaculum — [sus΄ten tak′yə ləm] n. pl. sustentacula [sus΄ten tak′yələ] 〚ModL, a support < L < sustentare, to hold up, support, intens. of sustinere (see SUSTAIN)〛 Anat. a supporting structure sustentacular [sus΄ten tak′yələr] adj. * * * … Universalium
sustentaculum — [sus΄ten tak′yə ləm] n. pl. sustentacula [sus΄ten tak′yələ] [ModL, a support < L < sustentare, to hold up, support, intens. of sustinere (see SUSTAIN)] Anat. a supporting structure sustentacular [sus΄ten tak′yələr] adj … English World dictionary
sustentaculum tali — ● sustentaculum tali nom masculin (latin sustentaculum, soutien, et talus, cheville) Apophyse de la face interne du calcanéum, qui entre dans la constitution de la voûte plantaire … Encyclopédie Universelle
sustentaculum tali — sustentaculum ta·li tā .lī n a medial process of the calcaneus supporting part of the talus * * * [TA] sustentaculum of talus a process of the calcaneus which supports the talus … Medical dictionary
Sustentaculum tali — Infobox Bone Name = Sustentaculum tali Latin = GraySubject = 63 GrayPage = 266 Caption = Left calcaneus, medial surface. (Sustentaculum tali labeled at center top.) Caption2 = Bones of the right foot. Dorsal surface. System = MeshName =… … Wikipedia
Sustentaculum talare — Sustenta̱culum tala̱re [aus lat. sustentaculum = Grundpfeiler, Stütze; ↑talaris] s; , ...la ...ria: Höcker des Fersenbeins, der das Sprungbein stützt (Anat.) … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Sustentaculum tali — šokikaulio atrama statusas T sritis gyvūnų anatomija, gyvūnų morfologija atitikmenys: lot. Sustentaculum tali ryšiai: platesnis terminas – kulnakaulis siauresnis terminas – kulnakaulio vaga … Veterinarinės anatomijos, histologijos ir embriologijos terminai
sustentaculum — A structure that serves as a stay or support to another. [L. a prop, fr. sustento, to hold upright] s. lienis SYN: phrenicosplenic ligament. s. tali support of the talus, a bracket like lateral projection from the medial surface of the calcaneus … Medical dictionary
sustentaculum — sus·ten·tac·u·lum … English syllables
sustentaculum — n. any anatomical structure that supports another structure. Derivatives: sustentacular adj … The new mediacal dictionary