Locus Suspectus — (ISSN|1718 5017) is a Canadian contemporary arts magazine that was founded in Montreal in 2005. Its content deals with visual culture. It states that it seeks out the stranger sides of visual culture for an interdisciplinary dialogue between… … Wikipedia
suspect — suspect, ecte [ syspɛ(kt), ɛkt ] adj. et n. • 1355; lat. suspectus, de suspicere « regarder de bas en haut » 1 ♦ (Personnes) Qui est soupçonné ou qui prête au soupçon, éveille les soupçons. « Un être étrange, inquiétant, suspect à tous » (France) … Encyclopédie Universelle
suspecte — ● suspect, suspecte adjectif (latin suspectus, de suspicere, regarder de bas en haut) Qui éveille des soupçons, de la défiance, qui ne semble pas régulier : Cette mort est suspecte. Se dit d un aliment, d un produit qui semble altéré, de qualité… … Encyclopédie Universelle
suspekt — zwielichtig; undurchschaubar; mit Vorsicht zu genießen (umgangssprachlich); verdächtig; undurchsichtig; nicht ganz lupenrein (umgangssprachlich); nicht ganz astrein (umgangssprachlich); … Universal-Lexikon
suspect — SUSPÉCT, Ă, suspecţi, te, adj. (Adesea substantivat) Care este bănuit, care dă de bănuit; care inspiră neîncredere, de care trebuie să te fereşti; dubios, îndoielnic. – Din fr. suspect, lat. suspectus. Trimis de RACAI, 07.12.2003. Sursa: DEX 98 … Dicționar Român
regarder — Regarder, Aspicere, Cernere, Tueri, Intueri, Respicere, Videre, Capessere aliquid oculis, vel vsurpare. Souvent regarder, Respectare. N oser regarder quelqu un, Vultum alicui summittere, Budaeus ex Sueton. N oser regarder le soleil entre deux… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
suspecto — suspecto, a (del lat. «suspectus»; ant.) adj. Sospechoso de cierta cosa que se expresa. * * * suspecto, ta. (Del lat. suspectus). adj. desus. sospechoso (ǁ que da motivo para sospechar) … Enciclopedia Universal
sus|pect — «verb. suh SPEHKT; noun. SUHS pehkt; adjective. SUHS pehkt, suh SPEHKT» verb, noun, adjective. –v.t. 1. to think (something) likely; imagine to be so; surmise: »The old fox suspected danger and did not touch the trap. I suspect that some accident … Useful english dictionary
Suspect — Sus*pect , n. [LL. suspectus. See {Suspect}, a.] 1. Suspicion. [Obs.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] So with suspect, with fear and grief, dismayed. Fairfax. [1913 Webster] 2. One who, or that which, is suspected; an object of suspicion; formerly… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Suspect — Sus*pect , a. [L. suspectus, p. p. of suspicere to look up, admire, esteem, to look at secretly or askance, to mistrust; sub under + specere to look: cf. F. suspect suspected, suspicious. See {Spy}, and cf. {Suspicion}.] 1. Suspicious; inspiring… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
suspect — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French, from Latin suspectus, from past participle of suspicere Date: 14th century 1. regarded or deserving to be regarded with suspicion ; suspected < investigates suspect employees > 2.… … New Collegiate Dictionary