- sura
sūra, ae f.1) икра (ноги) Pl, C, V, H etc.2) малая берцовая кость CC
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Sura — (sometimes spelt Surah ar. سورة ArabDIN|sūrah , plural Suwar ar. سور) is an Arabic term literally meaning something enclosed or surrounded by a fence or wall. The term is commonly used to mean a chapter of the Qur an, each of which is… … Wikipedia
Sura — bezeichnet: einen Vers des Koran, siehe Sure einen Fluss in Russland, siehe Sura (Fluss) eine städtische Siedlung in der russischen Oblast Pensa, siehe Sura (Pensa) ein Dorf in der russischen Oblast Archangelsk, siehe Sura (Archangelsk) ein Dorf… … Deutsch Wikipedia
SURA — SURA, site of one of the leading Babylonian academies. In fact, two different settlements by the name of Sura are mentioned in the Babylonian Talmud. One was located in Syria at the northern extremity of the Euphrates, a 15 days journey from… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Sura — • Titular see in Augusta Euphratensis, suffragan of Hierapolis Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Sura Sura † … Catholic encyclopedia
sura — s. f. Seção do Alcorão. = SURATA ‣ Etimologia: árabe surâ sura s. f. Barriga da perna. = PANTORRILHA ‣ Etimologia: latim sura, ae, barriga da perna, perna sura s. f. Seiva de certa palmeira, em especial do coqueiro. ‣ Etimologia: concani… … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
sura — súra s. f. Trimis de siveco, 23.02.2009. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic SÚRA s. f. pulpa piciorului. (< lat. sura) Trimis de raduborza, 24.02.2009. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
sura — sùra ž DEFINICIJA isl. jedno od 114 poglavlja Kur̕ana; variraju u dužini od nekoliko stranica do nekoliko riječi; svaka sadrži jednu ili više objava koju je Muhamed dobio od Boga ETIMOLOGIJA tur. sure ← arap. sūra … Hrvatski jezični portal
sura — [so͞o′rə, soor′ə] n. [Ar sūra, lit., enclosure] any of the main divisions, or chapters, of the Koran … English World dictionary
Sura — Su ra, n. [Ar., a step, a degree.] One of the sections or chapters of the Koran, which are one hundred and fourteen in number. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sura [1] — Sura, (lat.), die Wade … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Sura [2] — Sura, 1) (a. Geogr., Flavia Firma S.), Stadt in der syrischen Provinz Chalybonitis, am Euphrat, wurde von den Persern unter Chosroes zerstört, aber von Justinian wieder hergestellt; j. Surie; 2) so v.w. Sora; 3) Fluß im Belgischen Gallien,… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon