
supplicātio, ōnis f. [ supplico ]
1) суппликация, общее молебствие (умилостивительное или благодарственное)
supplicationem decernere C, Cs, L, T, constituere C или indicere L — назначить суппликацию
s. viginti dierum или dies Cs — двадцатидневная суппликация
2) изъявление покорности Amm

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "supplicatio" в других словарях:

  • Supplicatio — in ancient Rome was a solemn thanksgiving or supplication to the gods decreed by the senate: all the temples were opened, and the statues of the gods placed in public upon couches (pulvinaria) to which the people offered up their thanksgivings… …   Wikipedia

  • SUPPLICATIO — apud Romanos honos fuit, qui una cum Imperatoris nomine decernebatur Victori: Nempe, cum Senatus Populo Deûm templa aperiri, ac gratias Diis, Imperatoris nomine, agriuberet. Erat enim moris, ut Consules vel Praetores, postquam a militibus… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • supplicatio — ▪ Roman religion       in Roman religion, a rite or series of rites celebrated either as a thanksgiving to the gods for a great victory or as an act of humility after a national calamity. During those times the public was given general access to… …   Universalium

  • supplicatio — /sapl3keysh(iy)ow/ In the civil law, a petition for pardon of a first offense; also a petition for reversal of judgment; also equivalent to duplicatio, which corresponds to the common law rejoinder …   Black's law dictionary

  • supplicatio — (Civil law.) Same as duplicatio …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • ОБЩЕСТВЕННАЯ МОЛИТВА —    • Supplicatĭo          богам по случаю счастливых или несчастных общественных событий; в первом случае это была благодарственная молитва (gratulatio), во втором молитва о помиловании и отвращении бедствия (obsecratio); ср. Cic. ad. fam. 11, 18 …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • supplication — [ syplikasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1160; lat. supplicatio → supplier 1 ♦ Prière faite avec instance et soumission. ⇒ adjuration, imploration. « On me mit à la porte [...] malgré les supplications de mes parents » (Apollinaire). Absolt « La face levée, les… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Liturgia hispánica — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La liturgia hispánica (mal llamada rito mozárabe, mejor rito visigótico o rito hispánico) es la liturgia de la Iglesia católica que se consolidó en torno al siglo VI en la península Ibérica, en el Reino visigodo de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Mozarabic Rite — • The name Mozarabic Rite is given to the rite used generally in Spain and in what afterwards became Portugal from the earliest times of which we have any information down to the latter part of the eleventh century, and still surviving in the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Rito hispano — La liturgia hispánica (también llamada rito mozárabe, mejor rito visigótico o rito hispánico) es la liturgia de la Iglesia católica que se consolidó en torno al siglo VI en la península Ibérica, en la Reino visigodo de Toledo, y que fue… …   Wikipedia Español

  • LITANIA — rogatio, supplicatio: Sed praeterea publicae supplicationis genus est, quâ Dei misericordia ex sollenni more ardentius imploratur. Indicebantur olim graviquovis imminente discrimine, quandoque ad impertandam camporum benedictionem, ne tactis… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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