Смотреть что такое "supersessus" в других словарях:
surcease — /serr sees /, v., surceased, surceasing. n. v.i. 1. to cease from some action; desist. 2. to come to an end. v.t. 3. Archaic to cease from; leave off. n. 4. cessation; end. [1400 50; SUR 1 + CEASE; r. late ME sursesen (v.) < MF sursis (ptp. of… … Universalium
supersession — [so͞o΄pərsesh′ən] n. [ML supersessio < L supersessus, pp. of supersedere] a superseding or being superseded supersessive [so͞o΄pərses′iv] adj … English World dictionary
supersessive — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|sesiv adjective Etymology: Latin supersessus + English ive : superseding or tending to supersede … Useful english dictionary
supersessor — esə(r) noun ( s) Etymology: Latin supersessus + or : superseder … Useful english dictionary