Superficies — is a Latin legal term referring to anything which is placed upon and attached to the ground, and most commonly refers to a building erected on land owned by another. Roman law Under Roman law, ownership of a building was considered inseparable… … Wikipedia
superficies — [so͞o΄pər fish′ē ēz΄, so͞o΄pərfish′ēz] n. pl. superficies [L < super (see SUPER ) + facies,FACE] 1. a surface; outer area 2. the outward form or aspect … English World dictionary
Superficies — Su per*fi cies, n. [L., fr. super above, over + facies make, figure, shape. See {Surface}.] 1. The surface; the exterior part, superficial area, or face of a thing. [1913 Webster] 2. (Civil Law) (a) Everything on the surface of a piece of ground … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Superficĭes — (lat.), 1) Oberfläche; 2) Außenseite der Gewächse, die Fläche, welche den Pflanzentheil begrenzt … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Superficies — Superficies, lat., 1) Oberfläche u. was mit über ihr zusammenhängt (Gebäude, Bäume). 2) Das vererbliche und veräußerlich dingliche Recht auf vollständige Benutzung seines (des Superficiars) auf fremdem Boden erstellten Gebäudes, in der Regel… … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
superficies — index area (surface) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
superficies — sȕperfīcies m DEFINICIJA pravn. nasljedivo i otuđivo pravo korištenja zgrade podignute na tuđem zemljištu ETIMOLOGIJA lat.: površina … Hrvatski jezični portal
superficies — /sooh peuhr fish ee eez , fish eez/, n., pl. superficies. 1. the surface, outer face, or outside of a thing. 2. the outward appearance, esp. as distinguished from the inner nature. [1520 30; < L superficies, equiv. to super SUPER + ficies, comb.… … Universalium
superficies — noun (plural superficies) Etymology: Latin, surface, from super + facies face, aspect more at face Date: 1530 1. a surface of a body or a region of space 2. the external aspects or appearance of a thing … New Collegiate Dictionary
superficies — su•per•fi•ci•es [[t]ˌsu pərˈfɪʃ iˌiz, ˈfɪʃ iz[/t]] n. pl. ci•es 1) the surface or outside of a thing 2) the outward appearance, esp. as distinguished from the inner nature • Etymology: 1520–30; < L superficiēs=super super + ficiēs, comb. form… … From formal English to slang
superficies — /supəˈfɪʃiz/ (say soohpuh fisheez) noun (plural superficies) 1. the surface, outer face, or outside of a thing. 2. the outward appearance, especially as distinguished from the inner nature. {Latin} …