- sumptio
sūmptio, ōnis f. [ sumo ]1) взятие, принятие Cato, Vtr2) лог. (пред)посылка
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
sumptio — index assumption (supposition), postulate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Assumption Island day gecko — Taxobox name = Geckos regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Reptilia ordo = Squamata familia = Gekkonidae subfamilia = Gekkoninae genus = Phelsuma species = P. abbotti subspecies = P. a. sumptio trinomial = Phelsuma abbotti sumptio… … Wikipedia
sunción — (Del lat. sumptio, onis.) ► sustantivo femenino RELIGIÓN Acto de ingerir o sumir el sacerdote, en la misa, la hostia y el vino consagrados. * * * sunción (del lat. «sumptĭo, ōnis») f. Acción de sumir (consumir el sacerdote en la misa). * * *… … Enciclopedia Universal
Phelsuma — Day geckos Gold dust day gecko, Phelsuma laticauda Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
PRÉSOMPTION — Conséquence que la loi ou le magistrat tire d’un fait connu à un fait inconnu, la présomption légale dispense de toute preuve celui au profit duquel elle existe; elle peut également être un véritable procédé de preuve que le juge reste libre… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Sumption — Sump tion, n. [L. sumptio, fr. sumere, sumptum, to take.] 1. A taking. [Obs.] Jer. Taylor. [1913 Webster] 2. (Logic) The major premise of a syllogism. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cheke's day gecko — Geckos Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Reptilia … Wikipedia
English prefixes — are affixes (i.e., bound morphemes that provide lexical meaning) that are added before either simple roots or complex bases (or operands) consisting of (a) a root and other affixes, (b) multiple roots, or (c) multiple roots and other affixes.… … Wikipedia
Jean Hessels — [Johannes, Joannes, Jan, John Hessels or Hessel, Hesselius or Hasselius.] (born 1522; died 1566) was a Belgian theologian at the University of Louvain. He was a defender of Baianism [Steven Vanden Broecke, The Limits of Influence: Pico, Louvain,… … Wikipedia
Cisiojanus — „Januar“ im Cisiojanus des Speculum humanae salvationis (Deutsche Handschrift, um 1430; Kopenhagen, Det Kongelige Bibliotek; GKS 79 2, 7 recto). Die Merkverse stehen in zwei Reihen unterhalb des Doppelbildes aus Tierkreiszeichen und Monatsbild.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Phelsuma — Taggeckos Madagaskar Taggecko (Phelsuma madagascariensis madagascariensis), Männchen, adult, im Terrarium Systematik Klasse … Deutsch Wikipedia