Suffusĭo — (lat.), 1) die Untergießung, Unterlaufung. S. aeruginŏsa, S. fellis, S. isterĭca, s. Gelbsucht; 2) so v.w. Blutauge; S. lentis crystallĭnae, so v.w. Grauer Staar. S. nigra, so v.w. Schwarzer Staar, s.u. Staar; S. cornĕae, Trübung, Verdunkelung… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
suffusio — see visual aura … Dictionary of Hallucinations
кровоподтек — (suffusio; син. синяк) кровоизлияние в толщу кожи или слизистой оболочки … Большой медицинский словарь
Кровоподтёк — (suffusio; син. синяк) кровоизлияние в толщу кожи или слизистой оболочки … Медицинская энциклопедия
suffusion — [ syfyzjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1478; suffision v. 1370; lat. suffusio, de sub « sous » et fundere « verser » ♦ Méd. Infiltration diffuse des tissus par un liquide organique (sang, sérosité). ⇒ épanchement. ● suffusion nom féminin ( … Encyclopédie Universelle
suffusion — 1. The act of pouring a fluid over the body. 2. A reddening of the surface. 3. The condition of being wet with a fluid. 4. SYN: extravasate (2). [L. suffusio, fr. suffundo (subf ), to pour out] * * * suf·fu·sion sə fyü zhən n 1) the act or… … Medical dictionary
photopsia — Also known as photome, phosphorescence of the retina, scintillations, and suffusio scintillans. The term photopsia comes from the Greek words photizein (to give light, to illuminate) and opsis (seeing). It is used to denote a group of * simple … Dictionary of Hallucinations
sufusión — ► sustantivo femenino 1 MEDICINA Derrame anormal de sangre o de otros líquidos orgánicos fuera de su estructura. 2 MEDICINA Enfermedad ocular semejante a las cataratas. * * * sufusión (del lat. «suffusĭo, ōnis») f. Med. Cierta enfermedad de los… … Enciclopedia Universal
Suffusion — Suf|fu|si|on 〈f. 20〉 Blutaustritt unter die Haut, stark blutunterlaufene Stelle; →a. Sugillation [<lat. suffusio; zu suffundere „benetzen, bedecken“] * * * Suffusion [lateinisch, zu suffundere, suffusum »darunter gießen«] die, / en, flächige … Universal-Lexikon
sufuziune — SUFUZIÚNE, sufuziuni, s.f. 1. Răspândire sub piele a unei umori. ♦ Sufuziune sangvină = hemoragie de proporţii reduse care are loc între straturile componente ale unui organ sau ale unui ţesut. 2. (geol.) Proces de spălare şi de transportare a… … Dicționar Român
Suffusion — Suf*fu sion, n. [L. suffusio: cf. F. suffusion.] 1. The act or process of suffusing, or state of being suffused; an overspreading. [1913 Webster] To those that have the jaundice, or like suffusion of eyes, objects appear of that color. Ray. [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English