- sufflatio
sufflātio, ōnis f. [ suffio ]вздымание, вспучивание, подъём (bullantium aquarum PM)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
suflación — (del lat. «sufflatĭo, ōnis»; ant.) f. Soplo. * * * suflación. (Del lat. sufflatĭo, ōnis). f. ant. Acción y efecto de suflar … Enciclopedia Universal
Sufflation — Suf*fla tion, n. [L. sufflatio.] The act of blowing up or inflating. [R.] Coles. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
insufflation — 1. The act or process of insufflating. 2. SYN: inhalant (3). perirenal i. an obsolete technique involving injection of air or carbon dioxide about the kidneys for radiography of the adrenal glands. peritoneal i. the administrat … Medical dictionary
exsufflation — n. the forcible removal of secretions from the air passages by some form of suction apparatus. * * * ex·suf·fla·tion (ek″sə flaґshən) [ex + L. sufflatio a blowing up] the act of removing the air from a cavity by artificial or… … Medical dictionary
soufflement — Soufflement, Flatus, huius flatus, Flamen, Flabrum, Inflatus, Sufflatio, vel Sufflatus, Afflatus, Aspiratio, Perflatus … Thresor de la langue françoyse
suflación — (Del lat. sufflatĭo, ōnis). f. ant. Acción y efecto de suflar … Diccionario de la lengua española
sufflation — (ˌ)səˈflāshən noun ( s) Etymology: Latin sufflation , sufflatio, from sufflatus + ion , io ion : an act or instance of sufflating; specifically : inspiration … Useful english dictionary