
Suessiōnes, um m.
свесеионы, племя в Gallia Belgica, между реками Матрона и Изара, с главн. городом Noviodunum (ныне Soissons) Cs, PM

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Suessiones" в других словарях:

  • SUESSIONES — et Suessones Caesari, l. 7. Bell. Gall. c. 75. et l. 1. c. 3. Suesiones Strab. l. 4. Vessones Ptolem. (cui Augusta Vessonum, pro Sueslonum) populi et urbs Galliae Belgicae in Campaniae et Picardiae confiniis, ad Axonam fluvium vulgo Soissons.… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Suessiōnes — (Suissŏnes), eins der mächtigsten Völker im Belgischen Gallien; sie wohnten neben den Bellovakern, Veromanduern u. Remern u. konnten 50,000 Mann ins Feld schicken; vor Cäsar herrschte Divitiacus über sie, welcher sich einen großen Theil des… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Suessiones — The Suessiones (or perhaps Suessones) were a Belgic people of north eastern Gaul in the 1st century BC, inhabiting the region between the Oise and the Marne, based around the present day city of Soissons. They were conquered in 57 BC by Julius… …   Wikipedia

  • Diviciacus (Suessiones) — Diviciacus or Divitiacus was a king of the Belgic nation of the Suessiones in the early 1st century BC. Julius Caesar, writing in the mid 1st century BC, says that he had within living memory been the most powerful king in Gaul, ruling a large… …   Wikipedia

  • СРЕССИОНЫ —    • Suessiōnes или Suessōnes,          Σουεσσίωνες, сильное племя в бельгийской Галлии, между Матроной и Исарой, которое могло выставить более 50.000 человек и после белловаков считалось самым храбрым в Бельгии. Их царь Дивитиак не только владел …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • Belgae — The Belgae were a group of tribes living in northern Gaul in the 1st century BC, and later also attested in Britain. They gave their name to the Roman province of Gallia Belgica, and later, to the modern country of Belgium, where they are… …   Wikipedia

  • Augusta Suessionum — Soissons Wikipédia …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Soissons —  Pour les articles homophones, voir Soisson. 49° 22′ 54″ N 3° 19′ 25″ E …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Soissons — French commune nomcommune=Soissons Town hall région=Picardie département=Aisne arrondissement=Soissons canton=Chief town of 2 cantons insee=02722 cp=02200 maire=Édith Errasti mandat=2001 2008 intercomm=Soissonnais longitude=3.323611… …   Wikipedia

  • Bellovaci — [ Gaul in the 1st century BC, showing the relative position of the Bellovaci tribe.] The Bellovaci were among the most powerful and numerous of the Belgic tribes of north eastern Gaul conquered by Julius Caesar in 57 BC. The name survives today… …   Wikipedia

  • Battle of the Sabis — Infobox Military Conflict caption= conflict=Battle of the Sabis partof=the Gallic Wars date=57 BC place=Gaul result=Roman victory combatant1=Roman Republic combatant2=Nervii, Viromandui, Atrebates commander1=Julius Caesar commander2=Boduognatus… …   Wikipedia

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