- suculus
ī m. [ sus ]поросёнок CJ
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Agnostina — Ptychagnostus cuyanus Zeitraum Unteres Kambrium bis Oberes Ordovizium Fundorte Weltweit Systematik … Deutsch Wikipedia
Agnostoidea — Agnostina Ptychagnostus cuyanus Zeitraum Unteres Kambrium bis Oberes Ordovizium Fundorte Weltweit Sy … Deutsch Wikipedia
Condylopygoidea — Agnostina Ptychagnostus cuyanus Zeitraum Unteres Kambrium bis Oberes Ordovizium Fundorte Weltweit Sy … Deutsch Wikipedia
sollo — ► sustantivo masculino ZOOLOGÍA Esturión, pez condrósteo que remonta los ríos para desovar, y con cuyas huevas se prepara el caviar. * * * sollo (quizá del lat. «sucŭlus», cerdito, por la forma del hocico de este pez) m. *Esturión (pez… … Enciclopedia Universal
succhio — succhio1 / suk:jo/ s.m. [prob. lat. tardo sŭculŭs porcellino ], ant., tosc. [utensile per praticare fori nel legno: E l mastin vecchio e l nuovo... Là dove soglion fan d i denti s. (Dante)] ▶◀ succhiello. succhio2 s.m. [der. di succhiare ]. [il … Enciclopedia Italiana
soil — ‘ground’ [14] and soil ‘make dirty’ [13] are distinct words. The former comes from Anglo Norman soil ‘land’. This was the formal descendant of Latin solium ‘seat’, but its use for ‘land’ appears to have arisen from confusion with Latin solum… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
soil — {{11}}soil (n.) the earth or ground, c.1300, from Anglo Fr. soil piece of ground, place (13c.), from L. solium seat, meaning confused with that of L. solum soil, ground. Meaning mould, earth, dirt (especially that which plants grow in) is… … Etymology dictionary
soil — ‘ground’ [14] and soil ‘make dirty’ [13] are distinct words. The former comes from Anglo Norman soil ‘land’. This was the formal descendant of Latin solium ‘seat’, but its use for ‘land’ appears to have arisen from confusion with Latin solum… … Word origins
soil — soil1 [soil] n. [ME soile < Anglo Fr soil, for OFr suel < L solum, floor, ground, soil] 1. the surface layer of earth, supporting plant life 2. any place for growth or development 3. land; country; territory [native soil] 4. ground or earth … English World dictionary