- succentor
- ōris m. [ succino ]1) подпевала Aug, Is2) перен. запевала, инициатор (fabularum crudelium Amm)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Succentor — ist die Bezeichnung für ein kirchenmusikalisches Amt. In mittelalterlichen Kathedralen übte dieses Amt ein oft akademisch gebildeter Musiker aus. In protestantischen Schulchören bezeichnet es den Vertreter und Gehilfen des Chorleiters. Johann… … Deutsch Wikipedia
SUCCENTOR — Praecentor, et Concentor, Musicorum in Ecclesia Romana genera, inter quos Praecentor vocem praemittit in cantu; Succcntor canendo subsequenter respondet; Concentor vero, consonat, Durandus Ration. l. 2. c. 2. num. 1. Ioh. de Ianua Succentor est,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Succentor — Suc cen*tor, n. [LL., an accompanier in singing, fr. succinere to sing, to accompany; sub under, after + canere to sing.] (Eccl.) A subchanter. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Succentor — (v. lat.), Gehülfe des Cantors, bes. im Mittelalter … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
succentor — (izg. sukcèntor) m DEFINICIJA glazb. pov. iskusan, često akademski obrazovan glazbenik koji je u srednjovjekovnoj katedralnoj službi imao položaj kapelana prebendara ETIMOLOGIJA lat … Hrvatski jezični portal
Succentor — The Succentor ( one who sings second ) in an ancient cathedral foundation sings psalms and Preces and Responses after the Precentor. In English cathedrals today the priest responsible for liturgy and music is usually the Precentor, but some… … Wikipedia
succentor — /seuhk sen teuhr/, n. Eccles. a precentor s deputy. [1600 10; < LL, equiv. to L suc SUC + cen , comb. form of canere to sing + tor TOR] * * * … Universalium
succentor — noun A person who sings the responses to a precentor in a cathedral … Wiktionary
Succentor — Subcantor. Orig. the person who led the singing of choir and congregation; the deputy of the *precentor; usually a *minor canon … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
succentor — suc|cen|tor Mot Agut Nom masculí … Diccionari Català-Català
succentor — [sək sɛntə] noun Christian Church a precentor s deputy in some cathedrals. Origin C17: from late L., from L. succinere sing to, chime in … English new terms dictionary