
I adv.
внизу, снизу (omnia, quae supra sunt et s. C)
II subter praep. cum acc. и abl.
вниз, под (aliquid s. lectum mittere Pt)
s. fastigia tecti aliquem ducere V — вести кого-л. под крышу (своего дома)
s. murum hostium advĕhi L — подъехать под (самые) стены неприятеля
omnia s. se habere C — иметь всё под собой, т. е. быть выше всего
s. densā testudine V — под толстым панцирем « черепахи» (т. е. военного строя ; см. testudo 4. и 5.)

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "subter" в других словарях:

  • subter- — [sub′tər] 〚L < subter, below < sub (see SUB ) + ter, compar. suffix〛 prefix combining form below, under, less than, secretly * * * …   Universalium

  • subter- — [sub′tər] [L < subter, below < sub (see SUB ) + ter, compar. suffix] prefix combining form below, under, less than, secretly …   English World dictionary

  • subter- — /sub tər / combining form Signifying under, as in subterhuman, subterjacent ORIGIN: L …   Useful english dictionary

  • subter- — a prefix meaning underneath , with figurative applications, as in subterfuge. {Latin, combining form of subter (preposition and adverb) …  

  • Latin mnemonics — A Latin mnemonic verse or mnemonic rhyme is a mnemonic device for teaching and remembering Latin grammar. Such mnemonics have been considered by teachers to be an effective technique for schoolchildren to learn the complex rules of Latin… …   Wikipedia

  • ALPHEUS — I. ALPHEUS Latin. millesinus, vel doctus, vel dux, Pater Iacobi Apostoli Matth. c. 10. v. 3. Marc. c. 2. v. 14. Luc. c. 6. v. 15. II. ALPHEUS fluv. Elidis, Arcadiae civitatis, iuxta Pisas decurrens, qui longô cursu, receptis interea aliquot… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • subterfuge — noun Etymology: Late Latin subterfugium, from Latin subterfugere to escape, evade, from subter secretly (from subter underneath; akin to Latin sub under) + fugere to flee more at up, fugitive Date: 1573 1. deception by artifice or stratagem in… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • List of Latin words with English derivatives — This is a list of Latin words with derivatives in English (and other modern languages). Ancient orthography did not distinguish between i and j or between u and v. Many modern works distinguish u from v but not i from j. In this article both… …   Wikipedia

  • soutre — (sou tr ) s. m. Se dit, chez les avoués, notaires, etc., d une pancarte de papier qu on met sur son bureau pour écrire et y serrer des notes. ÉTYMOLOGIE    Lat. subter, sous ; c est ce qu on nomme vulgairement un sous main. SUPPLÉMENT AU… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • PIGRES — I. PIGRES Graece Πίγβης, in antiquis Arriani codicib. legitur pro Τίγρης, qui aliter Τίγρες, celebris Persiae fluvius, quam scripturam in Palatinis exemplaribus multis locis se reperisse, Salmas. tradit. Testatur idem Eustathius, et praeterea… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • ՆԵՐՔՈՅ — (ոյք.) NBH 2 0423 Chronological Sequence: Unknown date, Early classical, 6c, 7c, 8c, 10c, 12c ա.գ. ὀ ἕσω, ὀ ἕσωθεν intrinsecus ὀ κάτω inferior. որպէս Ներքին, այսինքն խորին. միջին. ներքսագոյն. եւ Ստորին, ներքոյ անկեալ. որ ինչ կայ ընդ այլով կամ… …   հայերեն բառարան (Armenian dictionary)

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