- subligaculum
- subligāculum, ī n. [ subligo ]набедренная повязка Vr, C
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Subligacŭlum — (lat.), 1) Schurz, zur Bedeckung der Scham; 2) so v.w. Bruchband … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Subligaculum — Subligaculum, lat., Schurz; subligatio, in der Chirurgie = die Unterbindung … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Subligaculum — Subligaculuml, gefunden in England und nun ausgestellt im Museum of London Sportlerin mit … Deutsch Wikipedia
Subligaculum — A subligaculum was a kind of undergarment worn by ancient Romans. It could come either in the form of a pair of shorts, or in the form of a simple loincloth wrapped around the lower body. It could be worn both by men and women. In particular, it… … Wikipedia
Retiarius — A retiarius (plural retiarii ; literally, net man or net fighter ) was a Roman gladiator who fought with equipment styled on that of a fisherman: a weighted net ( rete, hence the name), a three pointed trident ( fuscina or tridens ), and a dagger … Wikipedia
Reciario — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Un reciario ensarta con su tridente a un secutor en un mosaic … Wikipedia Español
Сублигакулум — Сублигакум в музее Лондона. Subligaculum вид нижнего белья в древнем Риме, своего рода набедренная повязка из кожи. Повязка, в отличие от других набедренных повязок, была из кожи и на одной из сторон закреплялся завязками, другая сто … Википедия
CINCTUM — subligaculum erat sive campestre, quod solas partes infra pectus velabat: Alii tamen illud non tautum subligaculum dixêre, sed vestem, quae ab umbilico ad pedes cadebat, qualis poparum vestis sive victimariorum in sacrificiis: quae et Limus… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
subligacul — SUBLIGÁCUL s.m. (Liv.; latinism) Şorţ. [< lat. subligaculum]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN SUBLIGÁCUL s. m. sorţ. (< lat. subligaculum) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
Murmillo — Depiction of a murmillo (left) fighting a thraex (right) in the Zliten mosaic, c. AD 200 … Wikipedia
Hoplomachus — A hoplomachus (left) fights a thraex (right) (Terracotta, British Museum). A Hoplomachus (pl. hoplomachi) (Greek: ὁπλομάχος) (hoplon meaning shield in Greek) was a type of gladiator in ancient Rome, armed to resemble a Greek hoplite (soldier with … Wikipedia