subitum — see EXANTHEMA SUBITUM … Medical dictionary
exanthema subitum — exanthema su·bi·tum or exanthem subitum sə bīt əm n ROSEOLA INFANTUM * * * an acute, short lived disease of infants and young children, caused by human herpesvirus 6; after a high fever that lasta a few days, the temperature returns to normal;… … Medical dictionary
Exanthema subitum — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 B08.2 Exanthema subitum (Sechste Krankheit) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Exanthem subitum — Means a sudden rash. A viral disease of infants and young children with sudden onset of high fever which lasts several days and then suddenly subsides leaving in its wake a fine red rash. The causative agent is herpesvirus type 6 so the disease… … Medical dictionary
exanthem subitum — roseola … The new mediacal dictionary
exanthema subitum — noun a viral disease of infants and young children; characterized by abrupt high fever and mild sore throat; a few days later there is a faint pinkish rash that lasts for a few hours to a few days • Syn: ↑roseola infantum, ↑roseola infantilis,… … Useful english dictionary
ШЕСТАЯ БОЛЕЗНЬ — ШЕСТАЯ БОЛЕЗНЬ, син. roseola infantum, exanthema subitum, s. criticum, s. postfebrile, das kritische Dreitagfieberexanthem der kleinen Kinder. Название «шестая» дано этой б ни4италь янским врачом Джисмонди (Gismondi, 1925) в… … Большая медицинская энциклопедия
Roseola — Infobox Disease Name = Roseola Caption = DiseasesDB = 5857 ICD10 = ICD10|B|08|2|b|00 ICD9 = ICD9|057.8 ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus = 000968 eMedicineSubj = emerg eMedicineTopic = 400 eMedicine mult = eMedicine2|derm|378 eMedicine2|ped|998 MeshID =… … Wikipedia
Детская розеола — Электронное изображение ВПГ 6 типа МКБ 10 … Википедия
Disease — Illness or sickness often characterized by typical patient problems (symptoms) and physical findings (signs). Disruption sequence: The events that occur when a fetus that is developing normally is subjected to a destructive agent such as the… … Medical dictionary
Roseola — is a childhood illness caused by virus infection characterized by high fevers followed by a skin rash. Roseola is also formally called roseola infantum or roseola infantilis. The following is a brief summary of roseola: Cause: Roseola is caused… … Medical dictionary