- sua
ōrum n. [ suus ] (sc. bona)имущество, добро, достояниеse suaque defendere Cs — защищать себя и своё достояниеomnia sua secum portare Sen, VM — всё своё имущество носить с собой
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Sua — Sùa est un village d Équateur situé sur la côte nord du pays dans la Région d Esmeraldas (province). Sommaire 1 Population 2 Histoire 3 culture et patrimoine 3.1 gastronomie … Wikipédia en Français
suã — s. f. 1. Carne da parte inferior do lombo do porco. 2. ossos da suã: os ossos do espinhaço do porco … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
SUA — can refer to:* Seamen s Union of Australia * Syriac Universal Alliance * SCCP User Adaptation, a member of the SIGTRAN family of protocols * Single Umbilical Artery * Special use airspace, in aviation * St. Ursula Academy (Toledo, Ohio), an all… … Wikipedia
Sua — was a hero god of the Muyscas of Central America, also called Bachica or Nemquetaha. The name signifies day or east. He taught them the arts of life, and, like Quetzalcoatl, disappeared. Like the latter, he was a personification of the sun … Wikipedia
Sua — (Suah), so v.w. So … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
sua — pron. poss. Flexão feminina de seu … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
sua|so|ry — «SWAY suhr ee», adjective. = suasive. (Cf. ↑suasive) … Useful english dictionary
sua|vi|ty — «SWAH vuh tee, SWAV uh », noun, plural ties. smoothly agreeable quality or behavior; smooth politeness; blandness: »These words, delivered with a cutting suavity (Dickens). The suavity and elegance of his prose is…a little benumbing (Scientif… … Useful english dictionary
sua — obs. f. so adv. and conj … Useful english dictionary
sua — ab·u·sua; dis·sua·sion; me·sua; na·sua; per·sua·si·bil·i·ty; per·sua·si·ble; per·sua·sion; per·sua·so·ry; sua·be; sua·kin; sua·rez·ian; sua·rez·ian·ism; sua·si·ble; sua·sion; sua·so·ria; dis·sua·sive; per·sua·sive; sua·sive; dis·sua·sive·ly;… … English syllables
SUA — I. SUA Rex Aegypti 2. Reg . c. 17. v. 4. Vide So. II. SUA frater Caleb. 1. paral. c. 4. v. 11. III. SUA homini natura sunt, Vita, eorpus, membra, fama, honot, actiones proprioe; non quidem ad perdendum, sed ad custodienudm. alia item sua facit,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale