- Athenaeus
- I Athēnaeus, a, um [ Athenae ]
афинский Lcr etc.II Athēnaeus, ī m.Атеней, мужское имя Vr, Q
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Athenaeus — (Ancient Greek Polytonic|Ἀθήναιος Nαυκράτιος Athếnaios Naukratios, Latin Athenaeus Naucratita), of Naucratis in Egypt, Greek rhetorician and grammarian, flourished about the end of the 2nd and beginning of the 3rd century A.D. The Suda only tells … Wikipedia
ATHENAEUS — I. ATHENAEUS Cosmographus Graecus. Item Peripateticus Philosophus e Sedeucia Ciliciae, Augusti temporibus, Princeps aliquandiu patriae suae, deinde contractâ amicitiâ cum Muraena, qui contra Augustum conspiraverat, cum illo aufugit, captusque cum … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Athenaeus — Athénée Pour les articles homonymes, voir Athénée (homonymie). Athénée, en grec ancien Ἀθήναιος Nαυκρατίτης / Athếnaios, né à Naucratis, en Égypte, vers 170 ap. J. C., mort au IIIe siècle, était un érudit et grammairien grec … Wikipédia en Français
Athenaeus — /ath euh nee euhs, nay /, n. late 2nd century A.D., Greek philosopher and rhetorician at Naucratis in Egypt. * * * ▪ Greek grammarian and author flourished AD 200, b. Naukratis, Egypt Greek grammarian and author of Deipnosophistai (“The… … Universalium
Athenaeus, S. — S. Athenaeus, M. (31. März). Griech. Αϑηναῖος = ein Athener, aus Athen gebürtig etc. – Der hl. Athenäus war ein Martyrer, der bei den Griechen verehrt wird. S. S. Theophilus … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
Athenaeus (disambiguation) — Athenaeus can mean:*Athenaeus, of Naucratis in Egypt, Greek rhetorician and grammarian. (2nd and beginning of the 3rd century A.D.) *Athenaeus (son of Pericleidas), was a Spartan who lived during the Peloponnesian War and signed the Peace of… … Wikipedia
Athenaeus of Seleucia — Athenaeus of Seleucia, was a philosopher of the Peripatetic school who lived in the 1st centuries BC/AD. He is mentioned by Strabo [Strabo, xiv.] as a contemporary. He was for some time the leading demagogue in his native city, but afterwards… … Wikipedia
Athenaeus — /ath euh nee euhs, nay /, n. late 2nd century A.D., Greek philosopher and rhetorician at Naucratis in Egypt … Useful english dictionary
Athenaeus of Attaleia — /at l uy euh/ Greek physician in Rome, fl. A.D. c40 65. * * * … Universalium
Athenaeus of Attaleia — /at l uy euh/ Greek physician in Rome, fl. A.D. c40 65 … Useful english dictionary
АФИНЕЙ — • Athenaeus, Άθήναιος, 1. механик, родом из Сицилии, современник Архимеда; из сочинений его сохранилась статья περι μηχανημάτων, об устройстве и употреблении военных машин; 2. грамматик и софист, родился в Навкратиде в… … Реальный словарь классических древностей