- strenue
- strēnuē [ strenuus ]деятельно, усердно, бодро, проворно (fortiter ac s. L)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Rutlish School — Infobox School name = Rutlish School motto = Modeste Strenue Sancte established = 1895 type = Boys comprehensive school affiliation = district = grades = Years 7 to 11 president = principal = head of school = Alex Williamson dean = faculty =… … Wikipedia
Clan Pollock — Crest badge … Wikipedia
BERNARDUS — I. BERNARDUS A. C. 1210. Congregationem pauperum Catholicorum instituit, oppositam Valdensibus, qui pauperes de Lugduno dicti. II. BERNARDUS Dux Brunsuicensis, filius Magni cognomine Iunioris seu Tarquati, fratre maiore natu Fridericô, qui in… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
OPIFICES — sub Minervae olim patrocinio fuêre: Ovid. Fastor. l. 3. v. 833. Namque Mille Dea est operum. Hinc de illa sic Isidorus: Minervam Gentiles multis ingeniis praedicant: hanc enim primam lanificii usum monstrâsse, hanc etiam telam ordisse et… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
List of mottos — This is a list of mottos of organisations, institutions, municipalities and authorities.OrganizationsCultural, Philanthropic Scientific* Amsterdam Zoo: Natura Artis Magistra (Nature is the teacher of art) * Monarchist League of Canada: Fidelitate … Wikipedia
King Edward VII School (Johannesburg) — King Edward VII School is a public school school located in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. HistoryIn 1902 when the Boer War came to an end there was an urgent need for schools in the Transvaal. The Milner Administration, looking round for… … Wikipedia
University High School, Melbourne — Infobox Aust school name = The University High School motto = la. Strenue Ac Fideliter (Latin: With Zeal and Loyalty ) established = 1910 type = Public, Co educational, Secondary, Day school principal = Mr. Robert H. Newton city = Parkville state … Wikipedia
Dan III — is one of the legendary Danish kings described in Saxo Grammaticus Gesta Danorum. Post hunc Dan regnum capessit. Qui cum duodecimum aetatis annum ageret, legationum petulantia fatigatur, Saxonibus bellum aut tributum afferre iussus. Sed rubor… … Wikipedia
Lauriston Girls' School — Infobox Aust school private name = Lauriston Girls School motto = Sancte Sapienter Strenue (Latin: Holiness, Wisdom, Strength ) established = 1901 type = Independent, Single sex, Day school denomination = Non denominational slogan = A school for… … Wikipedia
O Sodales — The Immaculate Conception Chapel of the American College, in which O Sodales has been sung countless times. The neogothic chapel dates from 1891, nearly 30 years after the composition of hymn. O Sodales is a Roman Catholic hymn to the Blessed… … Wikipedia
Bollandisten — Die Bollandisten (franz. Société des Bollandistes) sind eine Arbeitsgruppe, die die Lebensgeschichten der Heiligen der römisch katholischen Kirche in kritischen Ausgaben auf handschriftlicher Grundlage zusammenstellt und mit historisch kritischem … Deutsch Wikipedia