- strategema
stratēgēma, atis n. (греч.)военная хитрость, C, VM, Fl; перен. хитрость, хитрый поступок C
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Strategema — Als Strategema (auch Strategem) wird eine List (auch Kriegslist), ein Trick oder eine manipulative Aktion im Politischen, Militärischen und im Privatleben bezeichnet.[1] Als besonders bekannt gelten hierbei die 36 Strategeme des chinesischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of games in Star Trek — The fictional Star Trek universe is memorable for various elements of imagined future culture, including a variety of sports, games and other pastimes. Some of these fictional recreational activities are closely associated with one race, although … Wikipedia
stratagème — [ strataʒɛm ] n. m. • 1564; strategeme « ruse de guerre » XVe; strategemmate 1372; lat. strategema, mot gr.; cf. stratège ♦ Ruse habile, bien combinée. ⇒ subtilité, 3. tour. « Personne fertile en fourberies, ruses et stratagèmes » (Gautier).… … Encyclopédie Universelle
estratagema — (Del gr. strategema, maniobra militar < strategos, < stratos, ejército + ago, conducir.) ► sustantivo femenino 1 MILITAR Acción de guerra basada en la astucia y la destreza. 2 Artimaña hecha con habilidad, y a veces con engaño, para lograr… … Enciclopedia Universal
stratagem — noun Etymology: Italian stratagemma, from Latin strategema, from Greek stratēgēma, from stratēgein to be a general, maneuver, from stratēgos general, from stratos camp, army (akin to Latin stratus, past participle, spread out) + agein to lead… … New Collegiate Dictionary
stratagem — stratagemical /strat euh jem i keuhl/, adj. stratagemically, adv. /strat euh jeuhm/, n. 1. a plan, scheme, or trick for surprising or deceiving an enemy. 2. any artifice, ruse, or trick devised or used to attain a goal or to gain an advantage… … Universalium
stratagemma — stra·ta·gèm·ma s.m. CO mossa astuta per trarre in inganno o sorprendere il nemico in guerra: lo stratagemma del cavallo di Troia | estens., astuzia, espediente ben congegnato per raggiungere un determinato fine: è riuscito a fuggire con uno… … Dizionario italiano
stratagemma — /strata dʒɛm:a/ s.m. [dal lat. strategema, gr. stratḗgēma astuzia militare ] (pl. i ). [abile mossa per raggiungere un determinato fine, per risolvere una situazione e sim.: escogitò un audace s. ] ▶◀ (fam.) alzata d ingegno, astuzia, escamotage … Enciclopedia Italiana
strategy — [17] Etymologically, strategy denotes ‘leading an army’. It comes ultimately from Greek stratēgós ‘commander in chief, general’, a compound noun formed from stratós ‘army’ and ágein ‘lead’ (a relative of English act, agent, etc). From it was… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
stratagem — (n.) artifice, trick, late 15c., from M.Fr. stratagème trick, especially to outwit an enemy, from It. stratagemma, from L. strategema artifice, stratagem, from Gk. strategema the act of a general, military stratagem, from strategein to be a… … Etymology dictionary
stratagem — strat•a•gem [[t]ˈstræt ə dʒəm[/t]] n. 1) a scheme or trick for surprising or deceiving an enemy 2) any artifice or ruse devised to attain a goal or gain an advantage • Etymology: 1480–90; (< MF stratageme) < It stratagemma war ruse < L… … From formal English to slang