STHENELUS — I. STHENELUS Actoris fil. unus ex iis, qui Herculem expeditione contra Amazonas sunt comitati; e bello rediens ab una Amazonum sagittâ interemptus ac in Paphlagoniae litore sepultus est. Cum Argonautae illac iter facerent, a Proserpina impetravit … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Sthenelus — In Greek mythology, Sthenelus was a name attributed to four different individuals.*Son of Perseus and Andromeda. *Son of Capaneus and Evadne. In the Iliad, he boasts that along with the other Epigoni he captured the city of Thebes, although they… … Wikipedia
Sthenelus — Sthenelos (altgr. Σθένελος, lat. Sthenelus) ist ein antiker, griechischer, männlicher Personenname und bedeutet der Starke oder der Mutige. Bekannte Namensträger Sthenelos, Sohn des Aigyptos und Gatte der Danaide Sthenele Sthenelos (Sohn des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sthenelus (son of Andromeda and Perseus) — Sthenelus was the son of Perseus and Andromeda and a king of Mycenae. He exiled Amphitryon, for the murder of his brother Electryon. Amphitryon was also the lover of his niece, Alcmene. As heir, Sthenelus was the successor to the throne of… … Wikipedia
ACILIUS Sthenelus — de quo Plin. l. 14. c. 4. Summam ergo adcptus est gloriam Acilius Sthenelus e plebe libertinâ, 60. iugerum non amplius vineis excultis in agro Nomentano, atque 400. nummûm venundatis … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Papilio demoleus sthenelus — Papilio demoleus Papilio demoleus Systematik Klasse: Insekten (Insecta) … Deutsch Wikipedia
СФЕНЕЛ — • Sthenĕlus, Σθένελος, 1. см. Perseus, Персей; и Heracles, Геракл, 2; 2. см. Adrastus, Адраст, и Diomedes, Диомед; 3. сын Андрогея, внук Миноса, брат Алкея, которого Геракл, отправляясь против амазонок, взял с… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Diomedes — This article is about the hero of the Trojan War. For other uses, see Diomedes (disambiguation). Diomedes, King of Argos a statue by Kresilas from ca. 430 BC. Glyptothek, München … Wikipedia
Eurystheus — In Greek mythology, Eurystheus was king of Tiryns, one of three Mycenaean strongholds in the Argolid: Sthenelus was his father and the horsewoman Nicippe his mother, and he was a grandson of the hero Perseus, as was his opponent Heracles. He was… … Wikipedia
Anaxo — In Greek mythology, Anaxo, daughter of Alcaeus and either Astydamia, daughter of Pelops or Laonome, daughter of Guneus, or Hipponome, daughter of Menoeceus. She married Electryon, king of Mycenae, and her father s brother, being the son of… … Wikipedia
Cylarabes — Cylarabes, or Cylarabos, or Cylasabos, son of Sthenelus, was a mythological king of Argos. He succeeded to the throne upon the death of his father.[1] During his reign Argos was finally reunited after having been divided into three parts since… … Wikipedia