- Stagira
Stagīra, ōrum n.Стагиры, македонский город в Халкидике, между озером Больбе и Стримонским заливом, родина Аристотеля PM, Amm
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
STAGIRA — quae STANTIRA Ptolemaeo, oppid. Macedoniae maritimum ad monti Athi radices, in agro Olynthiaco, patria Aristotelis, teste Laeritiô in vita eius. Libanova, teste Sophiano, in Amphaxitide provinc. prope Strymonicum sinum 15. mill. pass. ab Atho, in … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Stagira — is a Greek village lying on a picturesque plateau on the Chalcidice peninsula, and standing at the foot of the Argirolofos hill. The village stands a few kilometers south from the ancient Stageira, the birthplace of Aristotle, and a statue of him … Wikipedia
Stagira — Stagīra (auch Stagirus; grch. Stageira, Stageiros), griech. Stadt an der Ostküste der Halbinsel Chalkidike, Geburtsort des Aristoteles (daher der Stagirīt genannt) … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Stagira — Stagira, früher Stagiros, griech. Stadt auf der Halbinsel des Athos, Kolonie von Andros, Geburtsort des Aristoteles (Stagirite) … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Stagira-Akanthos — ( el. Στάγιρα Άκανθος) is a municipality in Chalkidiki Prefecture, Greece. Population 8,781 (2001). The seat of the municipality is in Ierissos, and its land area is 253.373 km². It is the only municipality that has a land border with the… … Wikipedia
Stagira-Akanthos — Stadtgemeinde Stagira Akanthos Δήμος Σταγίρων Ακάνθου (Στάγιρα Άκανθος) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Stagira-Akanthos — 40° 24′ 02″ N 23° 52′ 52″ E / 40.400457, 23.880973 … Wikipédia en Français
Stagira — /steuh juy reuh/, n. an ancient town in NE Greece, in Macedonia on the E Chalcidice peninsula: birthplace of Aristotle. Also, Stagiros /steuh juy reuhs, ros/. * * * … Universalium
Stagira — Sta•gi•ra [[t]stəˈdʒaɪ rə[/t]] also Sta•gi•ros [[t] rəs, rɒs[/t]] n. geg an ancient town in NE Greece, in Macedonia on the E Chalcidice peninsula: birthplace of Aristotle Stag•i•rite ˈstædʒ əˌraɪt n … From formal English to slang
Stagira — /stəˈdʒɪərə/ (say stuh jearruh) noun an ancient city in Macedonia, the birthplace of Aristotle …
Stagira — noun an ancient town of Greece where Aristotle was born • Syn: ↑Stagirus • Instance Hypernyms: ↑town • Part Holonyms: ↑Greece, ↑Hellenic Republic, ↑Ellas * * * /steuh juy reuh/, n … Useful english dictionary