- Spoletina
Spolētīna, ōrum n. (sc. vina)сполетинские вина M
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Pietro Fontana (engineer) — Pietro Fontana was an early 19th century engineer. He was Secretary of the Accademia degli Ottusi di Spoleto (known later as the Accademia Spoletina) and founded the Società Agraria Spoletina. In 1812 he discovered the veins of lignite near… … Wikipedia
Sacred grove — Sacred groves were a feature of the mythological landscape and the cult practice of Old Europe, of the most ancient levels of Germanic paganism, Greek mythology, Slavic mythology, Roman mythology, and in Druidic practice. Sacred groves also… … Wikipedia
Hildebrand [3] — Hildebrand, 1) Johann Lukas, Architekt, geb. 14. Nov. 1668 in Wien, gest. daselbst 16. Nov. 1745, begab sich zu seiner Ausbildung nach Italien, wo er sich in Rom besonders an Carlo Fontana angeschlossen haben soll, und wurde, um 1690 nach Wien… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Monteluco — is a frazione (borough) of the comune of Spoleto, in Umbria, central Italy. Having a population of just 27, it is located on a limestone mountain covered by woods, at 780 meters over the sea level. The na … Wikipedia
SPOLETIUM — Livio l. 27. c. 10. colonia et urbs Umbriae inter Fulginium et Interamnam. Annibali fortiter restitit. Sita ad Tessinum amnem, 12. milliar. a Fulginio in Eurum, 22. a Camerino in Meridiem Romam versus. Hîc rudera magnifica Theatri, Templi et… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Complesso Agrituristico La Ciriola — (Пьедилуко,Италия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Vocabolo Valle Spoletina , 05 … Каталог отелей