- Spercheus
- Sperchēus и Sperchīus (-os), ī m.Сперхей, река в южн. Фессалии, впадающая в Малийский залив V, O, L, PM, St
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Spercheus — In Greek mythology, Spercheus or Spercheios (Greek: Σπερχειός) was the name of a river in Thessaly (present Spercheios River), and of the god of that river. According to Antoninus Liberalis (22), the nymphs of Mount Othrys were daughters of… … Wikipedia
Spercheus — Le Spercheus est un dieu fleuve grec. La rivière est de nos jours identifiée avec le Spercheios, un fleuve de Thessalie. Il est fils, comme tous les fleuves d Océan et de Téthys. Spercheus aurait épousé Polydora[réf. nécessaire], sœur de… … Wikipédia en Français
Dryops fils de Spercheus — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Dryops. Dans la mythologie grecque, Dryops (en grec ancien Δρύοψ / Drýops), fils du dieu fleuve Spercheus et de Polydora, est le héros éponyme des Dryopes. Il est le père de Cragalée et de Dryope. Sources… … Wikipédia en Français
Сперхеиды — ? Сперхеиды Spercheus emarginatus Научная классификация Царство: Животные Над … Википедия
Spercheios River — The Spercheios (Greek: , Latin: Spercheus ) is a river in Thessaly, Greece. The river begins in Eurytania Prefecture in the Panaitoliko mountains and flows northeast from near Megalo Chorio and into Karpenisi and flows within GR 38 and through… … Wikipedia
Dryops — may refer to: Dryops, a genus of beetles in family Dryopidae In Greek mythology: Dryops, a son of King Priam of Troy Dryops (Oeta), a king of Oeta son of river god Spercheus Dryops, a son of Apollo by Dia Dryops, a companion of Aeneas … Wikipedia
Polydora — In Greek mythology, Polydora was a name attributed to several individuals:*Polydora was the daughter of either Peleus and Antigone, or Perieres and Gorgophone. An affair with Spercheus led to the birth of Menesthius; she also had an affair with… … Wikipedia
Vow — A vow (Lat. votum , vow, promise; see vote) is a promise or oath. Wedding vowsVow with Godwithin the world of monks and nuns, a vow is a transaction between a person and his/her deity whereby the former undertakes in the future to render some… … Wikipedia
Anticyra — Anticyra, or Antikyra the ancient (and modern) name of a city in Phokis, Greece.Name and Mycenaean pastMod. name Antikyra; until the early 20th century it was called Aspra Spitia , a name given after 1960 to a wholy new adjacent settlement, 3 km… … Wikipedia
List of water beetle species recorded in Britain — Suborder Adephaga = Note: the family Carabidae (ground beetles), is also part of this suborder; a list of these is at List of ground beetle (Carabidae) species recorded in Britain. Family Gyrinidae * Gyrinus aeratus * Gyrinus caspius * Gyrinus… … Wikipedia
Nicephorus Uranus — was a key figure in the late 10th to early 11th Century Byzantine defeat of the Bulgarian army of Tsar Samuel.In 997, shortly after having been appointed a general by the emperor Basil II, Nicephorus won a battle on the banks of the Spercheus… … Wikipedia