- Sophocles
Sophoclēs, is и ī m.Софокл, греч. автор трагедий, род. в Колоне (близ Афин) в 496 г. до н. э., умер в 406 г. до н. э. C, H, Q, AG
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Sophocles V. — Sophocles V. Sophocles V. beim Auslaufen aus Igoumenitsa Technische Daten (Überblick) Schiffstyp: Fähre Einsatzgebiet: Verbindung zwischen Venedig und Patras IMO Nr … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sophocles — ist die latinisierte Schreibweise des griechischen Namens Sophokles ein Asteroid, siehe (2921) Sophocles Name einer griechischen Fähre, siehe Sophocles V. Diese Seite ist eine … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sophocles — Athenian tragic poet (c.496 406 B.C.E.), the name is Gk. Sophokles, lit. famed for wisdom, from sophos wise + * kles fame (see DAMOCLES (Cf. Damocles)) … Etymology dictionary
Sophocles — [säf′ə klēz΄] 496? 406 B.C.; Gr. writer of tragic dramas … English World dictionary
Sophocles — For the screenwriting software, see Sophocles (software). Sophocles Bust of Sophocles Born 497/496 BC Colonus Died 406/405 BC … Wikipedia
Sophocles — Sophoclean /sof euh klee euhn/, adj. /sof euh kleez /, n. 495? 406? B.C., Greek dramatist. * * * born с 496, Colonus, near Athens died 406 BC, Athens Greek playwright. With Aeschylus and Euripides, he was one of the three great tragic playwrights … Universalium
SOPHOCLES — I. SOPHOCLES Poeta Tragicus, patriâ Atheniensis, tantâ orationis suavitate, ut vulgo μέλιττα, h. e. apis, item Siren Attica cognominaretur, aequalis Euripidis ac Periclis, cuius etiam quandoque collega fuit in praetura. Natus Olympiade 73. ante… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Sophocles — noun a) A Greek dramatic poet (ca.495 BC – 406 BC); Sophocles was one of the three greatest Greek tragedians. In the Athenian dramatic competitions of the Festival of Dionysus, he won more first prizes (around 20) than any other playwright, and… … Wiktionary
SOPHOCLES Junior — Poeta Graecus, prioris nepos. Scripsit dramata quaedam … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Sophocles (software) — Infobox Software name = Sophocles caption = Scene detail, location explorer, and script view. developer = Sophocles Software, LLC latest release version = 2007 (Beta) latest release date = February 2007 operating system = Windows genre =… … Wikipedia
Sophocles (Asteroid) — Asteroid (2921) Sophocles Eigenschaften des Orbits (Simulation) Orbittyp Hauptgürtelasteroid Große Halbachse 3,2466 … Deutsch Wikipedia