
Sōpater, trī m.
Сопатер, мужское имя C

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Sopater" в других словарях:

  • Sopater — (so pa ter, sop a terref|1 (gr Σωπατρoς; Sopatros, saviour of his father ref|2, Easton s reads The father who saves ref|3, Holman s reads “sound parentage”ref|4) was the son of Pyrhusref|4, a man from the city of Berea, he accompanied Paul along… …   Wikipedia

  • SOPATER — I. SOPATER Apamenas, Sophista et Philosophus, Alexandrinus, saecul. 4 discipulus Iamblichi, Platonicorum Princeps, quem Caesar Constantinus interfecit ad fidem faciendam, se Graecorum ac Gentilium religioni amplius addictum non esse. Prius enim… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Sopater, S. — S. Sopater (Sosipater). (20. Juni al. 12. Juli), Begleiter des hl. Apostels Paulus und Jünger Christi. S. S. Jason2 …   Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon

  • Sopater (disambiguation) — Sopater (so pa ter, sop a terref|1 (gr Σωπατρoς; Sopatros, saviour of his father ref|2, Easton s reads The father who saves ref|3, Holman s reads “sound parentage”ref|4) was the son of Pyrhusref|4, may be:*Sopater, New Testament figure *Sopater… …   Wikipedia

  • Sopater of Apamea — Sopater of Apamea, a distinguished sophist and Neoplatonist, was a disciple of Iamblichus, after whose death (c. 325), he went to Constantinople, where he enjoyed the favour and personal friendship of Constantine I, who afterwards, however, put… …   Wikipedia

  • Sopater —    The father who saves, probably the same as Sosipater, a kinsman of Paul (Rom. 16:21), a Christian of the city of Berea who accompanied Paul into Asia (Acts 20:4 6) …   Easton's Bible Dictionary

  • Sopater — Son of Pyrrhus, one of Paul s companions on his journey to Jerusalem (Acts 20:4), possibly to be identified with the Sosipater who sends greetings to Rome (Rom. 16:21, there said to be a relative of Paul) …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • СОПАТР —    • Sopăter,          Σώπατρος,        1. италийский флиакограф, т. е. писатель шуточных драм, жил при Александре Великом и Птолемее Филадельфе. От его драм сохранилось еще несколько заглавий и изящных по слогу отрывков, из которых однако при… …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • Diogenes Laërtius — For other uses, see Diogenes (disambiguation). Diogenes Laertius (ancient Greek: Διογένης Λαέρτιος, Diogenes Laertios; fl. c. 3rd century AD) was a biographer of the Greek philosophers. Nothing is known about his life, but his surviving Lives and …   Wikipedia

  • Jason, S. (2) — 2S. Jason, (25. Juni), ein Schüler des hl. Apostels Paulus, der nach Röm. 16, 21 ihn und den Sosipater seine Verwandten nennt und ihnen von Rom aus Grüße schickt. Nach Apstg. 17, 5 ff. wohnte der hl. Paulus zu Thessalonich im Hause des hl. Jason …   Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon

  • List of major Biblical figures — A categorical and alphabetical list of people featured in the Bible. The Hebrew Bible is the Tanakh of Judaism. Judaism does not accept or use the term Old Testament , nor does it recognize the deuterocanonical books or the New Testament of… …   Wikipedia

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