- smecticus
smēcticus, a, um (греч.)очищающий (vis PM)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
esméctico — (Del lat. smecticus < gr. smektikos < smekho, limpiar.) 1 Que tiene la virtud de limpiar o purificar, en especial aplicado a una sustancia que sirve para deschurrar la lana. SINÓNIMO purificador 2 FÍSICA, QUÍMICA Se aplica al estado… … Enciclopedia Universal
smectic — adjective Etymology: Latin smecticus cleansing, having the properties of soap, from Greek smēktikos, from smēchein to clean Date: 1923 of, relating to, or being the phase of a liquid crystal characterized by arrangement of molecules in layers… … New Collegiate Dictionary
smectic — /smek tik/, adj. Physical Chem. (of liquid crystals) noting a mesomorphic state in which the arrangement of the molecules is in layers or planes. Cf. nematic. [1665 75 for earlier sense cleansing ; < L smecticus < Gk smektikós, equiv. to… … Universalium
smectique — [ smɛktik ] adj. • 1828; smectin n. m. « terre à foulon » 1740; gr. smêktikos « propre à nettoyer », de smên « frotter, nettoyer » 1 ♦ Minér. Argile smectique : terre à foulon pour dégraisser la laine. 2 ♦ (1924) Phys. Phase smectique, dans… … Encyclopédie Universelle
smectic — smec•tic [[t]ˈsmɛk tɪk[/t]] adj. chem. (of liquid crystals) noting a mesomorphic state in which the arrangement of the molecules is in layers Compare nematic • Etymology: 1920–25; < Fsmectique(1922) < L smēcticus cleansing … From formal English to slang
esméctico — esméctico, ca (Del lat. smectĭcus, y este del gr. σμηκτικός). adj. Geol. detersorio … Diccionario de la lengua española
smectic — [smek′tik] adj. [< L smecticus, cleansing < Gr smēktikos < smēktos, smeared (< smēchein, to wipe off: for IE base see SMITE) + ikos, IC] designating or of a kind of liquid crystal in which the molecules form layers, with the molecules … English World dictionary
smectic — ˈsmektik adjective Etymology: Latin smecticus cleansing, from Greek smēktikos, from smēktos (verbal of smēchein to wash off, clean) + ikos ic more at smite 1. : purifying, detergent 2. : of, relating to, or being the phase of a liquid cry … Useful english dictionary
smec|tic — «SMEHK tihk», adjective. 1. cleansing; abstergent; detergent. 2. (of liquid crystals) consisting of a series of layers in which the molecules are arranged either in rows or at random. ╂[< Latin smēcticus < Greek smēktikós < sm to wipe;… … Useful english dictionary