- smaragdus
ī m. , f. (греч.)изумруд, смарагд PS ap. Pt, Lcn, M, Cld
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Smaragdus — (auch Smaragdos, Smaracdus) war ein oströmischer Patricius und Exarch von Ravenna von 584/585 bis 589/590 sowie von 603 bis 608 (?). Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Quellen 3 Literatur … Deutsch Wikipedia
Smaragdus — was Exarch of Ravenna twice (585 589 and 603 611). Smaragdus was known for his violence toward the adherents of the Three Chapter Controversy. These included the Archbishop of Aquileia and his followers, then at Grado, whom he ordered to come to… … Wikipedia
Smaragdus — Smaragdus, 1) Exarch in Italien 584–590, u. wieder 601–611, s.u. Exarchat; 2) Abt des St. Michaelsklosters in der Diöcese Verdun im 9. Jahrh., stand bei Karl dem Großen u. bei Ludwig dem Frommen in großem Ansehen u. st. um 840; er schr.:… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
SMARAGDUS — I. SMARAGDUS Abbas monasterii S. Michaelis, in Dioecesi Verdunensi, floruit sub Ludovico Pio. Scripsit Commentar. in reg. Benedicti, de virtutibus et vitiis tractatum, aliaque in S. Scripturam. Item, monachus Abbatiae S. Salvatoris, in dioecesi… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Smaragdus, S. (1) — 1S. Smaragdus (10. März), einer der 40 Martyrer zu Sebaste. S. S. Quirion2. (II. 12. 29.) … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
Smaragdus, S. (2) — 2S. Smaragdus (12. al. 9. März), ein Martyrer zu Nicomedia. S. S. Petrus36. (II. 106.) … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
Smaragdus, S. (3) — 3S. Smaragdus (8. Aug. al. 16. März), ein Martyrer zu Rom. S. S. Cyriacus38. (II. 327.) … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
Smaragdus of Saint-Mihiel — (c.760 c.840) was a Benedictine monk of St Mihiel Abbey, near Verdun. He was a significant writer of homilies, and on the Rule of St Benedict.LifeAfter serving as principal of the convent school, he was elected about 805 abbot of the monastery on … Wikipedia
Smaragdus, Ardo — • Hagiographer, died at the Benedictine monastery of Aniane, Herault, in Southern France, March, 843 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
smaragdus — … Useful english dictionary
Turbo smaragdus — Taxobox name = Turbo smaragdus image caption = A large old Turbo smaragdus status = regnum = Animalia phylum = Mollusca classis = Gastropoda subclassis = Prosobranchia ordo = Archaeogastropoda superfamilia = Trochacea familia = Turbinidae genus … Wikipedia