
sī-ve или seu conj.
1) или если (si nocte s. luce L)
postulo, s. aequum est, te oro Ter — я требую, а если нужно, то умоляю тебя
а) или (Plato s. quis alius C; Paris s. Alexander PM)
s. .. s. (vel, aut, sin) — или .. или, либо ..либо (s. casu s. consilio Cs)
б) тж. ли .. или
requirunt spemque metumque inter dubii, seu vivere credant, sive, extrema pati, nec jam exaudire vocatos V — (спутники Энея), колеблясь между надеждой и страхом, спрашивают себя, считать ли живыми (их товарищей), или они, перейдя предел жизни, не слышат уже призывов

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "sive" в других словарях:

  • Sive — is a play by Irish playwright John B. Keane that depicts Irish rural life in the 1950s. The main character of the play is Sive, yet she rarely speaks in the play. This ultimately enhances the impact of the whole play on the audience. We get a… …   Wikipedia

  • Sive — f Irish: Anglicized form of Gaelic SADHBH (SEE Sadhbh). Sive is the title of a popular contemporary play by John B. Keene …   First names dictionary

  • sive — Sive, Sivette, Sivot, voyez Cive, etc …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • sive — ab·es·sive; abu·sive; ad·es·sive; ad·he·sive·me·ter; ad·he·sive·ness; ad·mis·sive; ad·ver·sive; ag·gres·sive·ness; Air·bra·sive; al·lu·sive; ap·pre·hen·sive; as·cen·sive; cen·sive; cic·a·tri·sive; co·he·sive; col·lu·sive; com·pas·sive;… …   English syllables

  • Sive — This interesting name is metonymic for a maker of Sieves, or as described in the Medieval Rolls a Syvewryct . It is of Old English pre 7th Century origins being derived from Sife meaning a sieve and Wrychta a wright or more plausibly in this case …   Surnames reference

  • sivè — si·vè s.m.inv. RE piem. preparazione simile al civet francese {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1965. ETIMO: dal sett. sivè, tratto dalla loc. fr. lièvre en civet lepre col sugo di cipolle . POLIREMATICHE: al sivè: loc.agg.inv. RE piem …   Dizionario italiano

  • sivé — Du Sivé, Suillum ius conditum, Ius e suillis intestinis. Du sivé ou oistres, Sorbitio, vel ius ex ostreorum decocto …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • şive — is., db., Far. şīve 1) Söyleyiş özelliği Bunu Arapça değil, peltek bir Kafkas şivesiyle, Türkçe söyledi. R. H. Karay 2) db. Ağız 3) esk. Naz, eda …   Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük

  • sive — si̱ve, auch se̲u̲ [aus gleichbed. lat. sive bzw. seu]: Konjunktion mit der Bedeutung „oder“ …   Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke

  • sive — si|ve vb., r, de, t, i sms. sive , fx sivedræn …   Dansk ordbog

  • SIVE TU DEUS, SIVE DEA — formula precandi Gentilibus sollennis, indigitatur Arnobio adv. Gentes l. 3. Consuêstis in precibus, sive tu Deus es, sive Dea, dicere, Aliisque passim. Solebant nempe pagani omnes Deos Deasque confuse invocare etiam quoties preces ad aliquem,… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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