Смотреть что такое "sittace" в других словарях:
Sittace — or Sittake or Sittakê (Greek: polytonic|Σιττάκη, Ptol. vi. 1. § 6; Akkadian Sattagū [Kessler, K. 2002, Sittake, Sittakene, Sattagū in Altorientalische Forschungen 29, 238 248] ), was an ancient city, the capital of ancient Sittacene, in Assyria,… … Wikipedia
Sittace — Sittace, Arara, s. Papageien, S. 382 … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Sittacene — was an ancient region of Babylonia and Assyria situated about the main city of Sittace. Pliny in his Natural History , Book 6, §§ 205 206, places Sittacene between Chalonitis, Persis and Mesene and also between Arbelitis and Palestine (or that it … Wikipedia
Papagaiartige Vögel — (Psittacini), Schnabel sehr dick u. kurz u. dabei wegen der weiten Knochenzellen leicht, der Oberschnabel hakenförmig weit[610] übergreifend, der Unterschnabel kurz, rundlich, vorn fast abgestutzt, Zunge dick u. fleischig, Läufe kürzer als die… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Acrocomia fusiformis — Macaw Ma*caw , n. [From the native name in the Antilles.] (Zo[ o]l.) Any parrot of the genus {Ara}, {Sittace}, or {Macrocercus}. About eighteen species are known, all of them found in Central and South America. They are large and have a very long … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Anodorhyncus hyacynthinus — Macaw Ma*caw , n. [From the native name in the Antilles.] (Zo[ o]l.) Any parrot of the genus {Ara}, {Sittace}, or {Macrocercus}. About eighteen species are known, all of them found in Central and South America. They are large and have a very long … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Anodorhyncus maximiliani — Macaw Ma*caw , n. [From the native name in the Antilles.] (Zo[ o]l.) Any parrot of the genus {Ara}, {Sittace}, or {Macrocercus}. About eighteen species are known, all of them found in Central and South America. They are large and have a very long … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
grugru palm — Macaw Ma*caw , n. [From the native name in the Antilles.] (Zo[ o]l.) Any parrot of the genus {Ara}, {Sittace}, or {Macrocercus}. About eighteen species are known, all of them found in Central and South America. They are large and have a very long … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hyacinthine macaw — Macaw Ma*caw , n. [From the native name in the Antilles.] (Zo[ o]l.) Any parrot of the genus {Ara}, {Sittace}, or {Macrocercus}. About eighteen species are known, all of them found in Central and South America. They are large and have a very long … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Macaw — Ma*caw , n. [From the native name in the Antilles.] (Zo[ o]l.) Any parrot of the genus {Ara}, {Sittace}, or {Macrocercus}. About eighteen species are known, all of them found in Central and South America. They are large and have a very long tail … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Macaw bush — Macaw Ma*caw , n. [From the native name in the Antilles.] (Zo[ o]l.) Any parrot of the genus {Ara}, {Sittace}, or {Macrocercus}. About eighteen species are known, all of them found in Central and South America. They are large and have a very long … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English