Смотреть что такое "sinistrorsus" в других словарях:
Sinistrorsus — (lat.), gegenseitig od. links; im Gegensatz von Dextrorsus … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Sinistrorsal — Sin is*tror sal, a. [L. sinistrorsus, sinistroversus, turned toward the left side; sinister left + vertere, vortere, versum, vorsum, to turn.] Rising spirally from right to left (of the spectator); sinistrorse. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dextrorsus — (lat.), gegen die rechte Seite hingerichtet; Sinistrorsus, gegenseitig od. links … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
sinistrorse — sinistrorsely /sin euh strawrs lee, sin euh strawrs /, adv. /sin euh strawrs , si nis trawrs, sin euh strawrs /, adj. Bot. (from a point of view at the center of the spiral) rising spirally in a counterclockwise manner, as a stem (opposed to… … Universalium
sinistrorse — Turned or twisted to the left. [L. sinistrorsus, on the left side, fr. sinister, left, + verto, pp. versus, to turn] … Medical dictionary
Neptunea contraria — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia … Wikipedia
sinostrors — SINOSTRÓRS, Ă adj. întors de la dreapta spre stânga. (< fr., lat. sinistrorsus) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
sinistrorso — /sini strɔrso/ [dal lat. sinistrorsus, comp. di sinister sinistro e (ve )rsus verso ]. ■ agg. 1. [che va da destra verso sinistra: scrittura s. ] ◀▶ destrorso. 2. (tecn.) [che gira in senso antiorario: movimento s. ] ◀▶ orario. 3. (estens.) [di… … Enciclopedia Italiana
sinistrorse — sin•is•trorse [[t]ˈsɪn əˌstrɔrs, sɪˈnɪs trɔrs, ˌsɪn əˈstrɔrs[/t]] adj. bot (of a climbing plant) twining counterclockwise from the base • Etymology: 1855–60; < L sinistrōrsus lit., turned leftward. See sinister, versus … From formal English to slang
sinistrorse — /ˈsɪnəstrɔs/ (say sinuhstraws), /sɪnəsˈtrɔs/ (say sinuhs traws) adjective rising spirally from right to left (from a point of view at the centre of the spiral), as a stem. {Latin sinistrorsus towards the left} –sinistrorsal /sɪnəsˈtrɔsəl/ (say… …
sinistrorse — [sin′is trôrs΄] adj. [ModL sinistrorsus < L, contr. of sinistrovorsus < sinister, to the left (see SINISTER) + versus, vorsus (see VERSE)] Bot. twining upward while constantly turning to the left, as the stems of some vines do: opposed to… … English World dictionary