Смотреть что такое "Sicambri" в других словарях:
SICAMBRI — seu SYGAMBRI Strab. nunc Geldrenses, teste Marlianô, populi German. inferioris inter Mosam et Rhenum: Sed verius Geldrenses trans Rhenum ex Suetonio, in Aug. c. 21. qui eos ad lteriorem Rheni ripam describit, ubi etiam Zutphanienses. Ovid. ad… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Sicambri — (Sigambri), mächtiges deutsches Volk, zum Stamm der Istävonen gehörig, wild, kühn, tapfer, zwischen Rhein, Sieg u. Lippe, also in der preußischen Provinz Niederrhein. Den aus Gallien zurückgetriebenen Usipetern u. Tencterern traten sie das Gebiet … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Sicambri — The Sicambri (var. Sicambers, Sicambres, Sigambrer, Sugumbrer, or Sugambri ) were a Germanic people living in what is now called the Netherlands at the turn of the first millennium. Originating in the Germanic Celtic contact zone (c.f.… … Wikipedia
sicambri — si|cam|bri Mot Pla Nom masculí … Diccionari Català-Català
Frankish mythology — comprises the mythology of the Franks, from its roots in polytheistic Germanic paganism through the inclusion of Greco Roman components in the Early Middle Ages. This mythology flourished among the Franks until the conversion of the Merovingian… … Wikipedia
Nero Claudius Drusus — Bust of Nero Claudius Drusus, in the Musée du Cinquantenaire, Brussels Spouse Antonia Minor Issue Germanicus Livilla … Wikipedia
Battle of the Lupia River — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Battle of the Lupia River partof=the Roman Germanic wars caption= battle name=Battle of the Lupia (Lippe) River date=11 BC place=Lower Lippe River result=Roman victory combatant1=Roman Empire combatant2=Sicambri … Wikipedia
History of the Netherlands — This article is part of a series Early History … Wikipedia
Battle of the Teutoburg Forest — Part of the Roman Germanic wars Cenotaph of Marcus Caelius, 1st … Wikipedia
Scythians — Infobox Ethnic group group=Scythians poptime=Unknown popplace=Eastern Europe Central Asia West Asia Northern India langs=Scythian language rels=Animism related= *Sarmatians *Dahae *Sakas *Indo Scythians *Massagetes *Jatts *NairsThe Scythians or… … Wikipedia
Francia — or Frankia, later also called the Frankish Empire ( la. imperium Francorum), Frankish Kingdom (Latin: regnum Francorum , Kingdom of the Franks ), Frankish Realm or occasionally Frankland, was the territory inhabited and ruled by the Franks from… … Wikipedia