- serilia
serīlia, ium n. [ sero I \]тростниковые верёвки Pac
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
SERILIA seu SERULIA — SERILIA, seu SERULIA apud Pacuvium in Niptris. Nec ulla subscus cohibet compagem alvei, Sed suta lino et sparteis serulibus: sunt σπάρτα νεῶν, apud Homerum. Il. β. v. 135. Funiculi videl. e lino vel cannabe, quibus suebantur naves; vel sparto… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Liburnians — Liburnia in the age of the Roman conquest The Liburnians (or Liburni, Greek: Λιβυρνοί)[1] were an ancient Illyrian tribe inhabiting the district called Liburnia, a coastal region of the northeastern Adriatic between the rivers Arsia (Raša) and… … Wikipedia
FUNES — olim e viminibus, nondum cognito cannabis usu. Lycophron Cassandrâ, Σφραγὶς μένει Θόαντος εν πλευραῖς ἔτι, Λύγοιςι τετρανθεῖςα. Vibix manet Thoantis in tergis adhuc Lentis betulis sculpta. Calpurn. Ecl. 2. Quod si dura times etiam nunc verbera… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
ser-4 — ser 4 English meaning: to put together, bind together Deutsche Übersetzung: “aneinander reihen, knũpfen” Material: O.Ind. sarat , sarit “ filament “ (uncovered), perhaps saṭü “lichen, Mähne, bristle”; Gk. εἴρω (*seri̯ō) “reihe… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary