- septimana
septimāna, ae f.1) седмица, неделя CTh, Vlg, Eccl2) семилетний возрастной период Macr
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Septimāna — (lat.), Woche. S. in albis, Weiße Woche, so v.w. Osterwoche. S. medĭa jejuniōrum paschalĭum, die dritte Fastenwoche. S. mediāna jejuniorum paschalium, die vierte Fastenwoche … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Septimāna — (lat.), Woche … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
septimana — /sep teuh may neuh/, n., pl. septimanae / nee/. (in prescriptions) a week. [ < LL septimana; see SEMAINIER] * * * … Universalium
septimana — /sep teuh may neuh/, n., pl. septimanae / nee/. (in prescriptions) a week. [ < LL septimana; see SEMAINIER] … Useful english dictionary
Septimana — Uge … Danske encyklopædi
Commūnis septimāna — (lat.), Gemeinwoche, die Woche nach Michaelis … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
semaine — [ s(ə)mɛn ] n. f. • 1119; samaine 1050; lat. relig. septimana, fém. de septimanus « relatif au nombre sept », de septem « sept » 1 ♦ Dans les calendriers de type occidental et chrétien, Chacun des cycles de sept jours (⇒ lundi, mardi, mercredi,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Semana — (Del lat. septimana.) ► sustantivo femenino 1 Serie de siete días naturales consecutivos, empezando por el domingo y acabando por el sábado: ■ me pasaré toda la semana fuera . 2 Serie de siete días consecutivos: ■ me voy el miércoles y vuelvo en… … Enciclopedia Universal
săptămână — SĂPTĂMẤNĂ, săptămâni, s.f. Perioadă de şapte zile consecutive, care se socoteşte (la noi) de luni dimineaţa până duminică seara şi care se repetă de cincizeci şi două de ori într un an; p. gener. perioadă de şapte zile consecutive. ♢ (În cultul… … Dicționar Român
Michael Maier — Copper engraving of Michael Maier at the age of 48, from the Atalanta fugiens; engraving from 1617 by Matthäus Merian. Michael Maier (1568–1622) was a German physician and counsellor to Rudolf II Habsburg, a learned alchemist, epigramist and… … Wikipedia
Lexicon Mediae et Infimae Latinitatis Polonorum — is being created in the Laboratory of Mediaeval Latin [http://www.ijp pan.krakow.pl/index2.php?strona=pracownie pr id=13] , Cracow, a branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences. It covers Latin language data from Polish sources, which date from the … Wikipedia