
as-sideo, sēdī, sessum, ēre [ sedeo ]
1) сидеть подле, у или при (alicui, apud aliquem, редко aliquem и aliquid)
a. aegro Sen и aegrotum Ap — сидеть у постели больного или ухаживать за больным
a. foco VF — сидеть у очага
superbis a. liminibus погов. Sen — обивать пороги у сильных мира сего
assidens pullis avis H — птица, сидящая у (т. е. закрывшая своим телом) птенцов
2) быть близким
parcus assidet insano H — скряга близок к безумцу
assidet Jovi majestas O — Юпитеру свойственна (пристала) величественность
a. gubernaculis PJ — сидеть у государственного кормила (т. е. управлять государством)
3) усиленно заниматься (totā vitā litteris a. PJ)
4) помогать, соприсутствовать (на суде), заседать (в качестве асессора) (judiciis T; legibus CJ)
5) находиться, проживать
propinquo rure a. T — жить в соседней деревне
6) воен. стоять, осаждать (alicui rei или aliquid)
moenibus (muris L и muros V, Sil) a. V — стоять у стен (осаждать город)
urbs assidetur Sl — город осаждён
7) стоять на страже (ludis, theatro T)

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "assideo" в других словарях:

  • Assize — The meeting of the king and his council; the decrees issued by the king after such meetings; also, an ordinance such as that regulating prices of bread and ale, and weights and measures; such decrees became statutory. Later, the Grand Assize… …   Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases

  • assize — assize, or assise (obsolete) /asayz/ An ancient species of court, consisting of a certain number of men, usually twelve, who were summoned together to try a disputed cause, performing the functions of a jury, except that they gave a verdict from… …   Black's law dictionary

  • assise — assize, or assise (obsolete) /asayz/ An ancient species of court, consisting of a certain number of men, usually twelve, who were summoned together to try a disputed cause, performing the functions of a jury, except that they gave a verdict from… …   Black's law dictionary

  • assize, or assise — (obsolete) /asayz/ An ancient species of court, consisting of a certain number of men, usually twelve, who were summoned together to try a disputed cause, performing the functions of a jury, except that they gave a verdict from their own… …   Black's law dictionary

  • assize — assize, or assise (obsolete) /asayz/ An ancient species of court, consisting of a certain number of men, usually twelve, who were summoned together to try a disputed cause, performing the functions of a jury, except that they gave a verdict from… …   Black's law dictionary

  • assise — assize, or assise (obsolete) /asayz/ An ancient species of court, consisting of a certain number of men, usually twelve, who were summoned together to try a disputed cause, performing the functions of a jury, except that they gave a verdict from… …   Black's law dictionary

  • assize, or assise — (obsolete) /asayz/ An ancient species of court, consisting of a certain number of men, usually twelve, who were summoned together to try a disputed cause, performing the functions of a jury, except that they gave a verdict from their own… …   Black's law dictionary

  • ad assisas capiendas — The word assize is derived, according to Sir Edward Coke, from the Latin assideo, to sit together, and originally it signifies the jury who try the cause and sit together for that purpose. By a figure it is now made to signify the court or… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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