- Segusiavi
Segūsiavī, ōrum m.сегусиавы, кельт. племя у слияния рек Родан и Арар, между областями секванов, эдуев и арвернов Cs
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
СЕГУСИАВЫ — • Segusiāvi (менее правильно Segusiani), Σεγουσιανοί, было значительное племя в лугдунской Галлии, отделенное от аллоброгов Роною, между секванами, эдуями и арвернами, в нынешней Лионнэ (Lyonnais) и Форэ (Forez). Во времена Цезаря оно … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Pueblos galos — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La Galia y los pueblos galos La expresión pueblos galos designa a los pueblos protohistóricos de celtas que residían en la Galia, (Gallia en latín), es decir, aproximadamente en los territorios de las actuales … Wikipedia Español
Arverni — For the hazardous lakes, see Avernus. A map of Gaul in the 1st century BC, showing the relative position of the Arverni tribe … Wikipedia
Menapii — Reconstruction of a Menapian dwelling at Destelbergen. The Menapii were a Belgic tribe of northern Gaul in pre Roman and Roman times. Their territory according to Strabo, Caesar and Ptolemy stretched from the mouth of the Rhine in the north, and… … Wikipedia
Morini — For other uses, see Morini (disambiguation). The Morini were a Belgic tribe in the time of the Roman Empire. We know little about their language but one of their cities, Boulogne sur Mer was called Bononia by Zosimus and Bonen in the Middle Ages … Wikipedia
Nyons — For the olive sometimes called Nyons, see Tanche. Nyons … Wikipedia
Sequani — A portion of the map, Gallia, from Butler s 1907 atlas showing the divisions of the diocese of Gaul in the late Roman Empire.[1] According to the key, the map depicts 17 Provinciae Galliae, Provinces of Gaul, of which the 17th, [Provincia] Maxima … Wikipedia
Medulli — A Gaulish people, the Medulli belonged to the group of mountain tribes controlling access to high Alps passes, along with the Centrones in Tarentaise Valley and the Salassi in Aosta Valley, especially for the trade of metals (tin, iron and… … Wikipedia
Mediomatrici — The Mediomatrici (Greek: Μεδιομάτρικες[1]) were an ancient Celtic people of Gaul, who belong to the division of Belgica. Julius Caesar shows their position in a general way when he says that the Rhine flows along the territories of the Sequani,… … Wikipedia
Osismii — Coins of the Osismii. Map of the Gallic people of … Wikipedia
Diablintes — Coin of the Diablintes, 5th 1st century BCE. The Diablintes or Diablintres or Diablindi or Aulerci Diaulitae were an ancient people of Gaul, a division of the Aulerci. Julius Caesar (B. G. iii. 9) mentions the Diablintes among the allies of the… … Wikipedia