- Seduni
Sedūnī, ōrum m.седуны, горное племя в верхнем течении Родана, с городом Seduni (ныне Sion, нем. Sitten в швейцарском кантоне Valais) Cs
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
SEDUNI — populi Galliae Belgicae antiquissimi, Caesari l. 3. Bell. Gall. c. 7. Plinio, l. 3. c. 20 aliis memorati, quorum primus loc. cit. a Galba victos in Alpibus Sedunos, et Veragros plus tertiâ parte caesâ ex hominum milib. XXX. memorat, alter loc.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Sedūni — (a. Geogr.), Volk im Belgischen Gallien, an der Rhone, längs des j. Walliserthals um Sitten od. Sion … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Sedūni — Sedūni, s. Sion … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Seduni — The Seduni or Sedunii were an ancient people in the valley of the Upper Rhone at Roman contact, whom Julius Caesar ( B. G. iii. 1, 7) mentions: Nantuates Sedunos Veragrosque . These tribes were conquered by Rome are also mentioned in the Trophy… … Wikipedia
Seduni — Die Seduner (lat. Seduni) waren ein keltischer Stamm im Gebiet des heutigen Schweizer Kanton Wallis. Keltische und Rätische Besiedlung der heutigen Schweiz im 1. Jahrhundert v. Chr … Deutsch Wikipedia
СЕДУНЫ — • Sedūni, народ в верхней части Роны, к востоку от верагров, в нынешней Валлисе и местности Сион или Ситтан. Caes. b. g. 13, 1 … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Nantuates — The Nantuates or Nantuatae were an ancient people of modern day Switzerland, whose territory extended into adjacent areas now in modern day France. At Roman contact, the Nantuates bordered on the Allobroges and in Julius Caesar s time were… … Wikipedia
Sedunos — Los sedunos (en latín, Seduni) fueron un antiguo pueblo del valle del Ródano superior en contacto con los romanos, a quien menciona Julio César (Comentarios a la guerra de las Galias libro III. 1, 7): Nantuates Sedunos Veragrosque. Estas tribus… … Wikipedia Español
VALLESTA — vel ex veter inscriptione ad urbem Genevam, Valinsa, regio Helvetiae, de cuius situ vide in voce Valesia. An a Valle, quod hinc atque hinc altissimis montibus vallata sit, an ab arce Valeria, quae Seduni est, an a Dea Valionia, quae ut alit… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Helvetii — The Helvetii were a Celtic tribe and the main occupants of the Swiss plateau in the 1st century BC. They are prominently featured in Julius Caesar’s commentaries on the Gallic War. The Neolatin title of Switzerland, Confoederatio Helvetica… … Wikipedia
Veragri — The Veragri (Greek: polytonic|Οὐάραγροι) were an ancient tribe located in present day Switzerland. The Veragri are placed by Julius Caesar ( B. G. iii. 1, 6) in the canton of Valais between the Nantuates and the Seduni. Their chief town was… … Wikipedia