- Assaracus
(-os), ī m.Ассарак, царь Трои, сын Троя, дед АнхизаAssaraci nurus O — Venusfrater Assaraci O — GanymedesAssaraci tellus H — Trojagens Assaraci V — римляне
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
ASSARACUS — Trois Regis Troianorum, ex Callirhoe, fil. frater Ili Regis, genuit Capyn, a quo Anchises Aeneae pater. Euseb. Chron. Hinc genus Assaraci apud Virgil. l. 12. Aen. v. 127. et Assaraci tellus pro Troia apud Horat. Epod. Od. 13. v. 13 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Assaracus — In Greek mythology, Assaracus was the second son of King Tros of Dardania. He inherited the throne when his elder brother Ilus preferred to reign instead over his newly founded city of Ilium (which also became known as Troy). He married Aigesta… … Wikipedia
АССАРАК — • Assarăcus, см. Anchises., Анхис … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Ilus — is the name of several mythological persons associated directly or indirectly with Troy.Ilus (son of Dardanus)Homer s Iliad mentions at several points the tomb of Ilus son of Dardanus in the middle of the Trojan plain. Later writers explain him… … Wikipedia
List of Greek mythological figures — A listing of Greek mythological beings. Many of the gods and goddesses had Roman and Etruscan equivalents. See also family tree of the Greek gods and the list of Greek mythological creatures. For a list of the deities of many cultures (including… … Wikipedia
Creusa — In Greek mythology, four people had the name Creusa (or Kreousa Κρέουσα); the name simply means princess . Contents 1 Naiad 2 Daughter of Creon 3 Daughter of Erechtheus 4 Creusa … Wikipedia
Dardanus — For other uses, see Dardanus (disambiguation). In Greek mythology, Dardanus (Greek: Δάρδανος[1]) was a son of Zeus and Electra, daughter of Atlas, and founder of the city of Dardania on Mount Ida in the Troad. Dionysius of Halicarnassus (1.61–62) … Wikipedia
Tros (mythology) — In Greek mythology, Tros was a ruler of Troy and the son of Erichthonius, from whom he inherited the throne. Tros was the father of three sons: Ilus, Assaracus, and Ganymedes. He is the eponym of Troy, also named Ilion for his son Ilus. Tros s… … Wikipedia
Capys — In Greek mythology, Capys was a name attributed to three individuals: *A son of Assaracus and Aigesta or Themiste or Clytodora (daughter of Laomedon) or Hieromneme, and father of Anchises and so grandfather of Aeneas. He, or a different Capys,… … Wikipedia
Mnestheus — For the genus of grass skipper butterflies, see Mnestheus (butterfly). Mnestheus is a character from Roman mythology, found in Virgil s Aeneid. He is described by Virgil as the ancestral hero of the Memmii and Of the house of Assaracus . One of a … Wikipedia
Ebraucus — (Welsh: Efrawg/Efrog) was a legendary king of the Britons as accounted by Geoffrey of Monmouth. He was the son of King Mempricius before he abandoned the family.Following the death of his father, Mempricius, he became king and reigned 39 years.… … Wikipedia