- scintilla
- ae f.искра (silĭci scintillam excudere V; перен. s. belli C; s. ingenii C)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Scintilla — Entwickler Neil Hodgson Aktuelle Version 2.27 (20. Juni 2011) Betriebssystem Windows und Linux Programmiersprache C++ … Deutsch Wikipedia
Scintilla — SciTE 1.68 Разработчик Нейл Ходжсон Написана на C++ … Википедия
Scintilla — Scintilla … Wikipédia en Français
scintilla — scin·til·la /sin ti lə/ n: a small trace or barely perceptible amount of something (as evidence supporting a position) Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. scintilla … Law dictionary
Scintilla — SciTE, un editor de texto que usa Scintilla … Wikipedia Español
Scintilla — may refer to:*Scintilla (comics), a fictional character in the Marvel Universe *Scintilla (editing component), an open source code editing component … Wikipedia
scintilla — s.f. [lat. scintilla ]. 1. [particella incandescente che si distacca da pietre, metalli percossi o materiali in combustione e che si spegne rapidamente: s. sprigionate dalla pietra focaia ] ▶◀ (lett.) favilla, (region.) monachina. 2. (fig.) a.… … Enciclopedia Italiana
scintilla — 1690s, from figurative use of L. scintilla particle of fire, spark, glittering speck, atom, probably from PIE *ski nto , from root *skai to shine, to gleam (Cf. Goth. skeinan, O.E. scinan to shine ) … Etymology dictionary
scintilla — ► NOUN ▪ a tiny trace or amount: not a scintilla of doubt. ORIGIN Latin, spark … English terms dictionary
Scintilla — Scin*til la, n. [L.] A spark; the least particle; an iota; a tittle. R. North. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Scintilla — Scintilla, lat., Funken; scintilliren, funkeln; Scintillation, das Funkeln, Funkensprühen … Herders Conversations-Lexikon