- scin'
[из scisne от scio\]знаешь ли Pl
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
scin — scin, scinc obs. forms of skin, skink … Useful english dictionary
scin — lu·scin·ia; scin·ci·dae; scin·ci·doid; scin·coid; scin·co·mor·pha; scin·dap·sus; scin·iph; scin·ti·gram; scin·tig·ra·phy; scin·til; scin·til·la; scin·til·lance; scin·til·lant; scin·til·lan·te; scin·til·late; scin·til·lat·ing·ly; scin·til·la·tion; … English syllables
SCIN — Scinderin, also known as SCIN, is a human gene.cite web | title = Entrez Gene: SCIN scinderin| url = http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=gene Cmd=ShowDetailView TermToSearch=85477| accessdate = ] PBB Summary section title = summary text … Wikipedia
scin´til|lant|ly — scin|til|lant «SIHN tuh luhnt», adjective. scintillating; sparkling. –scin´til|lant|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
scin|til|lant — «SIHN tuh luhnt», adjective. scintillating; sparkling. –scin´til|lant|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
scin´til|lat´ing|ly — scin|til|lat|ing «SIHN tuh LAY tihng», adjective. that scintillates; sparkling: »The Berlin Philharmonic may not be the most scintillating orchestra in the world, but it is…magnificent (New Yorker). –scin´til|lat´ing|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
scin|til|lat|ing — «SIHN tuh LAY tihng», adjective. that scintillates; sparkling: »The Berlin Philharmonic may not be the most scintillating orchestra in the world, but it is…magnificent (New Yorker). –scin´til|lat´ing|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
scin|coid — «SIHNG koyd», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. belonging to the same group of reptiles as the skinks. 2. resembling the skinks. –n. a skink. ╂[< Latin scincus skink1 + English old] … Useful english dictionary
scin|tig|ra|phy — «sihn TIHG ruh fee», noun. a means of obtaining diagnostic pictures of internal organs by administering radioisotopes to the patient and subsequently recording their distribution with a device related to the scintillation counter. ╂[<… … Useful english dictionary
scin|til|late — «SIHN tuh layt», verb, lat|ed, lat|ing. –v.i. to sparkle; flash; twinkle: »The snow scintillates in the sun like diamonds. Figurative. Brilliant wit scintillates. SYNONYM(S): glitter, glisten. –v.t … Useful english dictionary
scin|til|la|tion — «SIHN tuh LAY shuhn», noun. 1. the act of sparkling; flashing. 2. a spark; flash: »Figurative. Let the scintillations of your wit be like…summer lightning, lambent but innocuous (Edward M. Goulburn). 3. the twinkling of the stars. 4. Physics. a… … Useful english dictionary