- schedia
ae f. (греч.) (sc. navis)наскоро сколоченное судно, преим. плот PM, Dig
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Schedĭa [1] — Schedĭa (gr.), Nothschiff, Floß zum Waarentransport auf Flüssen … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Schedĭa [2] — Schedĭa (a. Geogr.), Ortschaft unweit Alexandria in Ägypten, am großen Kanal … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
SCHEDIA — I. SCHEDIA Aegypti vicus, navale habens inter Nilum fluv. et Alexandriam urb. Strabo. Raschit Guilandino. II. SCHEDIA Graece χεδία, in maiori flumine Nili et Canopico ostio, haud longe ab Alexandria, memoratur Strabom, qui non multo supra… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Canopus, Egypt — Canopus (also: Canobus) was an Ancient Egyptian coastal town, located in the Nile Delta. Its site is in the eastern outskirts of modern day Alexandria, around 25 kilometres from the centre of that city.Canopus stood in the seventh Nomos… … Wikipedia
Canopus — • A titular see of Egypt Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Canopus Canopus † Cathol … Catholic encyclopedia
Vidularia — (abgekürzt Vid.) ist der Titel einer Komödie des römischen Dichters Plautus, die nur fragmentarisch erhalten ist. Sie stammt aus dem frühen 2. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Inhalt Das Stück handelt von dem jungen Nicodemus, der durch einen Schiffbruch von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
EGYPT — EGYPT, country in N.E. Africa, centering along the banks of the River Nile from the Mediterranean coast southward beyond the first cataract at Aswan. The ancient Egyptians named their land Kemi, the Black Land, while the neighboring Asiatic… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Autoschediastic — Au to*sche di*as tic ([add] t[ o]*sk[=e] d[i^]*[a^]s t[i^]k), Autoschediastical Au to*sche di*as tic*al ( [a^]s t[i^]*kal), a. [Auto + Gr. schedia zein to do hastily. See {Schediasm}.] Extemporary; offhand. [R.] Dean Martin. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Autoschediastical — Autoschediastic Au to*sche di*as tic ([add] t[ o]*sk[=e] d[i^]*[a^]s t[i^]k), Autoschediastical Au to*sche di*as tic*al ( [a^]s t[i^]*kal), a. [Auto + Gr. schedia zein to do hastily. See {Schediasm}.] Extemporary; offhand. [R.] Dean Martin. [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Diphilus — Diphilus, of Sinope, was a poet of the new Attic comedy and contemporary of Menander (342 291 BC). Most of his plays were written and acted at Athens, but he led a wandering life, and died at Smyrna. He was on intimate terms with the famous… … Wikipedia
Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria — Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of all Africa redirects here. For Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, see Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa. Bishop of Alexandria Bishopric … Wikipedia