
Satīcula, ae f.
Сатикула, город в Самнии (на границе с Кампанией) L, VP

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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  • Saticula — was a Samnite city near the frontier of Campania. In 343 BC, during the First Samnite War the Roman consul Cornelius attacked it during the campaign against the Samnites. It is the modern city S. Agata de Goti …   Wikipedia

  • Saticula — (Saticola), Stadt in Samnium, auf einem Berge an der Grenze von Campanien. Weil S. zu den Bundesstaaten der Samniten gehörte, so wurde es oft von Rom aus bedrängt u. 313 v. Chr. unter O. Fabius erobert u. dahin eine römische Colonie abgeführt. Im …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • SATICULA — Colonia et oppid. Samnii. Saticola Stephano et Diodoro Siculo. Populi Saticuli. Virg. Aen. l. 7. v. 729. Accola Valturni, pariterque Saticulus asper …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Saticula — 41°5′N 14°30′E / 41.083, 14.5 Saticula est le nom d une ancienne cité samnite, qui faisait partie de la Confédération des cités samnites …   Wikipédia en Français

  • САТИКУЛА —    • Saticŭla,          Σατικόλα, город на горе близ Самния, недалеко от кампанской границы; с 313 г. до Р. X. он был римской колонией. Этот город, по всей вероятности, лежал на высотах Cajazzo. Liv. 7, 32. 9, 21. 23, 14. 27, 10. Verg. Aen. 7,… …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • Timeline of the Samnite Wars — The military campaigns of the Samnite Wars were an important stage in Roman expansion in the Italian Peninsula. Contents 1 Background 2 First Samnite War (343 341 BC) 3 Second Samnite War (326 304 BC) …   Wikipedia

  • COLONIA Trajana — et Colonia Ulp. Trai. in nummo Ulpii Traiani Aug. ab Auctore suo dicta, alias quoque Ulpia castra. Hîc legio Tricesima Ulpia Victrix, Dioni et veter. inscriptionibus ac Ptolemaeo etiam nota hiemavit, sub Constantino M. quae antea in castris… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Cicada — For other uses, see Cicada (disambiguation). Cicada Annual cicada, Tibicen linnei Scientific classification Kingdom …   Wikipedia

  • Fabius Maximus Rullianus — Quintus Fabius Maximus Rullianus (or Rullus), son of Marcus, of the patrician Fabii of ancient Rome, was five times consul and a hero of the Samnite Wars.His first appearance in surviving records is as Master of the Horse in 325 BC, when he won a …   Wikipedia

  • Trebula Balliensis — Trebula or Trebula Balliensis or Trebula Baliensis (Greek: polytonic|Τρήβουλα), was an ancient city of Campania, Italy, the location of which is occupied by the modern village of Treglia in the comune of Pontelatone. It was situated in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Roman military confederation — The Roman military confederation (or confederacy or commonwealth ) is a term devised by modern historians to denote the Roman Republic s system of military alliances with the tribes and city states of the Italian peninsula prior to the Social War …   Wikipedia

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