- ascripticius
ascrīptīcius, a, um [ ascribo 4. , 5. \]1) приписанный, приписной, вновь зачисленный (civis C)2) прикреплённый (к земле), крепостной (servi CJ)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
ascripticius — ascriptitius (or ascripticius) /aeskriptish(iy)as/ In Roman law, a foreigner who had been registered and naturalized in the colony in which he resided … Black's law dictionary
ascripticius — ascriptitius (or ascripticius) /aeskriptish(iy)as/ In Roman law, a foreigner who had been registered and naturalized in the colony in which he resided … Black's law dictionary
ascriptitius — (or ascripticius) /aeskriptish(iy)as/ In Roman law, a foreigner who had been registered and naturalized in the colony in which he resided … Black's law dictionary
ascriptitius — (or ascripticius) /aeskriptish(iy)as/ In Roman law, a foreigner who had been registered and naturalized in the colony in which he resided … Black's law dictionary