
Salernitānus, a, um [ Salernum ]
салернский PM, VM

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Salernitanus" в других словарях:

  • Johannes Salernitanus, B. (240) — 240B. Johannes Salernitanus, (10. Sept. al. 18. Febr. 9. Aug.), ein Schüler des hl. Dominicus7, wurde geboren zu Salerno und zwar nach Migne, der ihn nach Marchese aus der hochadeligen Familie Guarna seyn läßt, im J. 1190, welche Angabe aber der… …   Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon

  • Urso of Calabria — [Urso of Salerno, Ursus Salernitanus, Urso di Calabria.] (died 1225) was an Italian scholastic philosopher, and significant author of medical works in the school of Salerno. He has been thought the leading figure of the school [Brian Lawns, The… …   Wikipedia

  • Frugardi — Roger Frugardi (auch Rogerius, Rüdiger Frutgard, Rogerius Salernitanus, Roger Frugard, Roggerio Frugardo, Rogerus de Parma oder Roggerio dei Frugardi genannt) (* um 1140; † 1195) war ein lombardischer Wundarzt und Chirurg aus Salerno. Die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Romuald de Salerne — (en latin : Romualdus Salernitanus ou Romoaldus Salernitanus ; en italien : Romualdo di Salerno), dit également Romuald II de Salerne ou Romuald Guarna ou Romuald Warna, est un archevêque de Salerne (1153 1181), docteur et… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • History of medicine — All human societies have medical beliefs that provide explanations for birth, death, and disease. Throughout history, illness has been attributed to witchcraft, demons, astral influence, or the will of the gods. These ideas still retain some… …   Wikipedia

  • Thyroid — Infobox Anatomy Name = Thyroid Latin = glandula thyroidea GraySubject = 272 GrayPage = 1269 Caption = Endocrine system Caption2 = Thyroid and parathyroid. Precursor = 4th Branchial pouch System = endocinal jubachina system Artery = superior… …   Wikipedia

  • Surgery — This article is about the medical specialty. For other uses, see Surgery (disambiguation). A cardiothoracic surgeon performs a mitral valve replacement at the Fitzsimons Army Medical Center. Surgery (from the Greek …   Wikipedia

  • Rogerius — can refer to the following things:It is the Latin form of the given name Roger, and was the name of several medieval figures.*Rogerius (physician) (also called Rogerius Salernitanus, Roger Frugard, Roger Frugardi, Roggerio Frugardo, and Roggerio… …   Wikipedia

  • Rogerius (physician) — Rogerius (before 1140 c. 1195), also called Rogerius Salernitanus, Roger Frugard, Roger Frugardi, Roggerio Frugardo, Rüdiger Frutgard and Roggerio dei Frugardi, was a Salernitan surgeon who wrote a work on medicine entitled Practica Chirurgiae (… …   Wikipedia

  • History of surgery — Surgery is the branch of medicine that deals with the physical manipulation of a bodily structure in order to diagnosis, prevent or cure an ailment. Ambroise Paré, a 16th century French surgeon stated that there were five reasons to perform… …   Wikipedia

  • Gundolf Keil — (* 17. Juli 1934 in Wartha Frankenberg/Schlesien) ist ein deutscher Medizinhistoriker. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Wirken 3 Ämter …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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